LIVE STREAM: Swearing-in Ceremony for the Judges for the Michaelmas Term 2025


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgements and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.

Judgment Search

E.g., 17.02.2025


Case Number Title Presiding Judge Date of delivery Neutral Citation
2017 CD00594 Abrahams, Eric Jason v Cable and Wireless Jamaica Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 03.10.2018 [2018] JMSC Comm 29
2016 CD 00001 ADS Global Limited v Fly Jamaica Limited The Hon. Miss Justice Carol Edwards 20.12.2018 [2018] JMCC COMM 51
2016 CD 00225 Alliance Finance Limited v Capital Solutions Limited and Anderson Jones, Mark The Hon. Miss Justice Carol Edwards 20.12.2018 [2018] JMCC Comm 43
2016 HCV 00066 Anderson, Major General Anthony and Jamaica Defence Board v Independent Commission of Investigations The Hon. Mrs. Justice Carol Lawrence-Beswick, The Hon. Mr. Justice Courtney Daye, The Hon. Mrs. Justice Sharon George 30.07.2018 [2018] JMFC Full 4
2011HCV05274 Anslip, Ryan v North East Regional Health Authority The Hon. Mrs. Justice Audre Lindo 31.07.2018 [2018] JMSC. Civ.112
HCV 04800 OF 2015 Arem, Elain v Myrie, Vivienne The Hon. Mrs. Justice Carol Lawrence-Beswick 11.04.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 49
HCC 86/16 Asset Recovery Agency v Browne-Blake, Cherice The Hon. Mrs. Justice Lorna Shelly-Williams 17.12.2018 [2018] JMSC Crim 4
2012HCV05409 Atlantic Hardware Plumbing Company Limited v Guardsman Limited The Hon. Mrs. Justice Lisa Palmer Hamilton (Ag.) 20.07.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 194
2012HCV01524 Austin, Dale v The Public Service Commission and The Attorney General of Jamaica The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 15.11.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 18
2012 HCV 01524 Austin, Dale v The Public Service Commission and The Attorney General of Jamaica The Hon. Mrs. Justice Carol Lawrence-Beswick, The Hon. Mr. Justice Evan Brown, The Hon. Mr. Justice Chester Stamp 28.11.2018 [2018] JMFC Full 6
2016HCV0353 Austin, Dale v The Solicitor General and the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Justice The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 04.01.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 1
2013 HCV 02087 Bailey, Alexander and Bailey, Hazel v Myers, Oliver and Carr, Donald DeCordeva et al The Hon. Miss Justice Calys Wiltshire 02.02.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 195
2016HCV06208 Bell, Lloyd v Alcar Construction $ Haulage Co. Ltd. and Barker, Deon The Hon. Mrs. Justice Sonya Wint-Blair 31.01.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ.3
2016HCV06208 Bell, Lloyd v Alcar Construction and Haulage Co. Ltd. and Barker, Deon The Hon. Mrs. Justice Sonya Wint-Blair 10.01.2018 2018] JMSC Civ.3
2017HCV02104 Bishop, Claudine and Bishop, Leaonard v Brissett, Sharon and Scotia Jamaica Building Society The Hon. Mrs. Justice Sonya Wint-Blair 23.07.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ.109
2011 HCV 01482 Blackstock, Jean v Digicel Jamaica Ltd. The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 14.11.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 187
2012 HCV 05227 Blagrove, Margret v Superclubs International Limited The Hon. Mrs. Justice Lisa Palmer Hamilton 12.10.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ.161
2013HCV04203 Blake, Carol v University Hospital Board of Management The Hon. Mrs. Justice Audre Lindo 12.06.2018 [2018] JMSC. Civ. 95
2014 HCV 00867 Blake, Kemoy v Levy, Hugh et al The Hon. Mrs. Justice Lorna Shelly-Williams 09.04.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 48
2016HCV05124 Bogle, Constantine D. v Jones, Dean, Franklyn Holness, Marvalyn Pitter and The Attorney General of Jamaica The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 27.09.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 134
2008 HCV 04357 Boyd, Michael v Citrus Growers Association Limited and the Jamaica Citrus Growers Limited The Hon. Mrs. Justice Lisa Palmer Hamilton 18.09.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 129
2016 HCV 00911 Brodber, Robert v E.W. Abrahams and Sons Limited and Ormsby, Maxell The Hon. Miss Justice Anne-Marie A. Nembhard 23.03.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 84
2012 HCV 03747 and 2012 HCV 05486 Brooks, Kevin v Edwards, Consolidated with Byfield, Dahlia v Edwards, Christopher The Hon. Miss Justice Andrea Thomas 20.12.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 167
NO.3 OF 2015 Brown, Milton v The Commissioner General The Hon. Mr. Justice B. Andrew Rattray 18.05.2018 [2018] JMRC 1
CD00097/2015 Brown, Neale v Global Leasing and Finance Company Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 02.11.2018 2018] JMCC Comm 35
2012HCV02477 Bryan, Marjorie v Buchanan-Burgess The Hon. Mrs. Justice Marcia Dunbar Green 17.04.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 50
2017 CD 00176 Butler, Winston v COK Sodality Co-operative Credit Union Limited and COK Sodality Credit Union Limited v Butler, Winston The Hon. Miss Justice Carol Edwards 01.11.2018 [2018] JMCC Comm 50
2018CD00526 Cable and Wireless and the Companies Act The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 18.11.2018 2018] JMCC Comm 40
2014HCV06177 Cameron, Karen v Thomas, Andrew Ray The Hon. Mr. Justice Bertram Morrison 20.12.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ.164
2017HCV01084 Cameron, Mervin v Attorney General of Jamaica The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes, The Hon. Mr. Justice David Fraser, The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 22.03.2018 [2018] JMFC FULL 1
2017HCV01084 Cameron, Mervin v Attorney General of Jamaica No. 2 The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes, The Hon. Mr. Justice David Fraser, The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 04.09.2018 2018] JMFC Full 4
2014 CD 00127 CEAC Solutions Limited v National Works Agency and Attorney General of Jamaica The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 13.07.2018 [2018] JMCC Comm 24
2018 CD 00260 Chung, Gloria et al v Chung, Michael and Mikol Investments Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 08.08.2018 [2018] JMCC COMM 28
2016HCV01895 Chung,Gloria et al v Chung, Michael and Another The Hon. Mr. Justice B. Andrew Rattray 03.04.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 44
2012 HCV 04546 Clarke, Natasha v Morgan-Collie, Jacinth and Collie, Shawn The Hon. Miss Justice Calys Wiltshire 22.06.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 122
2016 HCV 03899 Cobourne, Glen v Coubourne, Marlene The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 22.10.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 142
2014 M1450 Colley, Courtney Oneil v Colley, karen Janice Silvera The Hon. Miss Justice Calys Wiltshire 02.03.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 47
2001 CD 00003 Concept Developers Limited v First Regional Co-operative Credit Union Limited et al The Hon. Mr. Justice B. Andrew Rattray 07.12.2018 [2018] JMCC Comm. 42
2012 CD 00084 Construction Developers Associates Limited v Urban Development Corporation The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 15.06.2018 [2018] JMCC Comm 26
2016 HCV 00141 Cranston, Caren v Samuels , Tamazine et al The Hon. Miss Justice Anne-Marie A. Nembhard 27.04.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 73
CL C 329 of 1999 Crooks, Nelda v Whitlock, Conroy The Hon. Mr. Justice Kissock Laing 09.02.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 16
2016HCV00888 Cross, Reynard v Tulloch, Lawrence and Chin, Carol et al Master Miss Pamela Mason (Ag.) 23.03.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 179
2015 HCV 03814 Dallas, Vera (By her attorney Elmeda Robinson) v L.P. Martin Company Limited (Trading as L.P. Martin Funeral Home) The Hon. Mrs. Justice Stephane Jackson-Haisley 11.05.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 78
2011 HCV 00898 Darlington, Shielnile v Saint Ann's Bay Hospital et al The Hon. Mrs. Justice Stephane Jackson-Haisley 25.01.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 53
2013HCV02394 Davidson, Leopold v Wallace, Tafari The Hon. Mr. Justice Martin Gayle 20.04.2018 2018 [JMSC] Civ 60
2017 HCV 00835 Davis, Dawn v Gray, Delrose The Hon. Miss Justice Anne-Marie A. Nembhard 21.11.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 145
2009HCV06791 Davis, Marlene v Davis, Hugh Ashley The Hon. Mr. Justice David Fraser 29.06.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 99
2014HCV04384 Davis-Reid, Kimani v Nolan, Eugene The Hon. Mr. Justice Bertram Morrison 27.02.2019 2018] JMSC Civ.163
2009HCV2049 Dennis, Richard v Hew, Raymond The Hon. Miss Justice Carolyn Tie 28.03.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 41
HCC# 754/17(3) Director of Public Prosecution v Wilson, Uchence and Others The Hon. Mrs. Justice Georgiana Fraser 20.12.2018 [2018] JMSC Crim 5
2013 HCV 02866 Douglas, Delroy v Headley, Barbara The Hon. Mrs. Justice Georgiana Fraser 22.02.2019 [2018] JMSC Civ. 101
2010 HCV 04362 Downer, Denton v Solid General Insurance Brokers Limited, Advantage General Insurance Company, Solid Life General et al The Hon. Miss Justice Andrea Thomas 24.05.2018 [ 2018] JMSC Civ.100
2016 CD 00058 Dunbar, Millard v Saint Catherine Co-operative Credit Union Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 31.07.2018 [2018] JMCC COMM 27
2016CD00058 Dunbar, Millard v St. Catherine Co-operative Credit Union Ltd. The Hon. Mr. Justice Kissock Laing 18.01.2018 [2018] JMCC Comm 7
2015HCV05407 Dunkley, Olga v Dunkley, Oswald James The Hon. Mr. Justice Bertram Morrison 26.04.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 68
HCV 05616 OF 2011 Eaton, Noel v Michelle Fenton et al The Hon. Miss Justice Anne-Marie A. Nembhard 01.05.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 72
2018 HCV 01758 Evans, Nadine v University Hospital of The West Indies et al The Hon. Mr. Justice B. Andrew Rattray 28.08.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 119
2018 CD 00083 First Global Bank Limited v Spence, Orville and Spence, Nadine The Hon. Miss Justice Carol Edwards 17.12.2019 [2018] JMCC Comm 45
2008 HCV 3328 Foote, Donovan v JMMB Merchant Bank Limited (formerly) Capital and Credit Merchant Bank Limited The Hon. Mrs. Justice Sharon George 31.01.2018 [2018]JMSC Civ. 13
2018 CD00531 Foreign Options Investment v Messado, Jennifer et al The Hon. Mr. Justice Kissock Laing 12.11.2018 [2018] JMCC COMM 36
2012 HCV 04971 Fray, Racquel v Amos, Seargant Jeffrey and the Attorney General of Jamaica et al The Hon. Miss Justice Christine McDonald 04.05.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 74
2012HCV06179 Freckleton, Jerome v The Attorney General of Jamaica and Det. Sgt. Puddie, Maurice The Hon. Mr. Justice Evan Brown 31.07.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 127
2016HCV03901 Froome, Nevilline v Froome, Orville The Hon. Mrs. Justice Sarah Thompson-James 02.08.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 110
2016CD00408 Gayle, David v Sol Petroleum Jamaica Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Kissock Laing 22.10.2018 [2018] JMCC Comm 30
2009 HCV 00670 Gayle, Nicole v Cowen, Garrie and Guardsman Armoured Limited The Hon. Mrs. Justice Lorna Shelly-Williams 17.12.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 157
2016 HCV 02845 Gentles, Dahlia v Gentles Mark The Hon. Miss Justice Anne-Marie A. Nembhard 20.03.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ.36
2017 CD 00469 GM and Associates Limited v Sabal PH 1200 Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 17.04.2018 [2018] JMCC Comm. 22
2017HCV02050 Goldson, Lloyd v Evans, North American Holdings Company Limited and National Commercial Bank Limited The Hon. Mrs. Justice Sonya Wint-Blair 31.07.2018
2015 HCV 03020 Gordon, Errol v Gordon, Lorna June (Nee Forsythe) The Hon. Miss Justice Calys Wiltshire 18.05.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 120
2017HCV00216 Gordon, Relecsia v Robinson, Kennardo and Kelly-Lamey, Keita Yalanda Master Miss Pamela Mason 21.09.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 181
2016I00002 Grant, Owen and Israel Transport and Equipment Company Limited v Hartwell, Herbert and Moodie, Stephen The Hon. Mr. Justice Kissock Laing 26.04.2018 [2018] JMCC Comm 14
2010HCV03958 Green, Byron v Desnoes & Geddes Limited (t/a Red Stripe) The Hon. Mr. Justice B. Andrew Rattray 01.05.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 71
2016 HCV 01459 Green, Stephenson v Green, June The Hon. Mrs. Andrea Pettigrew-Collins 11.04.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 51
2016HCV 03943 Grey, Olive v Grey, Robert The Hon. Mr. Justice Glen Brown 22.03.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 52
2018HCV00347 Gulfstream Petroleum SRL v Ankrail Limited, The Portmore Municipality and St. Catherine Municipal Corporation The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 15.11.2018 [2018] JMCC Comm 39
2011CD00088 Hamilton, Marilyn v United General Insurance Company Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 14.05.2018 [2018] JMCC Comm 21
2016HCV02568 Harris, Celestine v Harris, Henry The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 26.01.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 07
2017 HCV 00215 Harrison, Nancy v Harrison, Easton and Roseway, Venetta The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 24.10.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 189
2016HCV01427 Harvey, Sean v Board of Management of Moneague College, Ministry of Education Youth and Information and Attorney General of Jamaica The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes, The Hon. Mrs. Justice Carol Lawrence-Beswick, The Hon. Mrs. Justice Lisa Palmer Hamilton (Ag.) 29.06.2018 [2018] JMSC Full 3
2017HCV01342 Hay, Manfas v Thompson, Clover and Prendergast, Jonathon Master Mrs. Natalie Hart-Hines 22.02.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 26
2007HCV00990 Henry, Keisha v Sandals Ocho Rios Limited The Hon. Mrs. Justice Audre Lindo 13.07.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 102
2012 M 01712 Hew, Natalee Kemorine and Hew, Raymond Anthony The Hon. Mrs. Justice Sarah Thompson-James 02.08.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 111
2015 HCV 04509 Holding, Lorna v Thorpe, Seymour The Hon. Miss Justice Calys Wiltshire 19.10.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 188
2012HCV00950 Hutchinson, Leonia Agatha v Hutchinson, Johnette George The Hon. Mrs. Justice Audre Lindo 06.03.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 28
2012 HCV 04955 Johnson, Allan Adolphus v Kelly-Johnson, Kathleen The Hon. Mrs. Andrea Pettigrew-Collins 29.01.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 8
2013 HCV 05759 Johnson, Curline v Johnson, Errol The Hon. Mrs. Justice Georgiana Fraser 13.12.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 155
2001 CLJ 00104 Johnson, Enid (Administratrix in the estate of Yorksladda Johnson, deceased) v South East Regional Health Authority and the Attorney General of Jamaica The Hon. Mrs. Justice Lisa Palmer Hamilton 27.07.2018 2018] JMSC Civ.170
2015HCV05057 Jones, Damion v Deer, Oneil The Hon. Mrs. Justice Sonya Wint-Blair 12.12.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ.153
00279/2018 JOSA Investments Limited v Promotions and Print Essentials Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 14.11.2018 [2018] JMCC Comm 37
2017HCV04051 Kelly, Roberto v Attorney General of Jamaica The Hon. Mrs. Justice Simone Wolfe-Reece 16.11.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ.197
I0006 of 2017 Khemlani, Raju v Khemlani, Suresh The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 04.01.2018 [2018] JMCC COMM 1
2017 CD 00277 Khemlani, Suresh v Topaz Jewellers Limited, Khemlain, Raju, Topaz Investments Limited and Issar Company Limited et al The Hon. Miss Justice Carol Edwards 20.12.2018 [2018] JMCC Comm 47
2015CD00032 Khiatani Jamaica Limited and Khiatani, Sunil et al v Sagicor Bank Jamaica Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 07.03.2018 [2018] JMSC Comm10
2004 HCV 03131 Latouche, Larkland v Chung, June and Pollock, Orville et al The Hon. Miss Justice Calys Wiltshire 04.05.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 121
2001 E. 00511 Lawrence, Gertude v Lawrence, Joseph The Hon. Mr. Justice Kissock Laing 23.03.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 35
2016CD00313 Lawrence-Austin, Carol Ann v The Assets Recovery Agency The Hon. Mr. Justice Kissock Laing 16.01.2018 [2018] JMCC COMM. 05
2017HCV02444 Lawrence-Bell, Yvonne v Bell, Daulton Eric The Hon. Ms. Justice Judith Pusey 22.03.2018 [2018] JMSC CIV. 34
2016CD000112 Lethe Estate Limited and Great River Rafting and Plantation Tour Limited v Jamaica Public Service Company Limited The Hon. Miss Justice Nicole Simmons 23.02.2018 2018] JMCC Comm 08
2017CD 00237 Levy, Ian and Levy, Cecelia v Atherton, Julie et al The Hon. Miss Justice Carol Edwards 23.05.2018 [2018] JMCC Comm 34
2014 HCV 04853 Lewis, Tyrone; Blount, Annette and Lewis, Courtney v National Commercial Bank Jamaica Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 23.03.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 40
2016HCV03406 and 2016HCV01776 Lewis, Wayne av CVM Television Limited The Hon. Mrs. Justice Lisa Palmer Hamilton 17.08.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 199
2014 HCV 03928 Lyn's Funeral Home v Fearon, Paul The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 31.07.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 133
2015HCV05028 NOW 2017CD00289 Mamby-Alexander, Jennifer v Thomas, Alfred (On behalf of themselves and 92 other residents in the community of Hope Pastures) and Jamaica Public Service Co. Ltd. The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 10.05.2018 2018 JMSC CIV 75
2017HCV03975 Manor Court Limited v The Minister of Labour & Social Security and the Industrial Disputes Tribunal The Hon. Miss Justice Jennifer Straw 25.04.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 59
2016 HCV 03871 Matheson, Sydnia v Watts, Lelieth The Hon. Ms. Justice Judith Pusey 31.10.2018 2018] JMSC Civ 144
2010HCV03856 Mccorkell, Joelle v Jamaica Urban Transit Co. Ltd. et al The Hon. Mrs. Justice Stephane Jackson-Haisley 19.02.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 17
2017 HCV 00410 and 2015 HCV 05787 McKoy, Sophia v Davis, Vincent consolidated with Davis, Vincent v McKoy, Sophia The Hon. Mrs. Justice Lisa Palmer Hamilton (Ag.) 23.03.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 193
2017 CD 00629 McLaughin, Charles v Grant, Sherrie and Smith, Collin et al The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 30.05.2018 [2018] JMCC Comm 20
SU2019CV00592 McLean, Arlene v Gordon, Sheldon; Rowe, Patrae and The Police Federation The Hon. Mr. Justice Leighton Pusey 19.06.2019 2019] JMSC Civ 141
2016 HCV 02428 Meeks, Victoria Marie v Meeks, Jeffrey William The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 09.03.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 37
2010HCV03149 Miller, Wynette and Cameron, Winston et al v UC Rusal Alumina Jamaica Limited, O'Driscoll, Timothy and Shmalenko, Andrew et al The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 27.04.2018 [2018] JMSC CIV 70
2010HCV03960 Mills, Roger v The Attorney General of Jamaica The Hon. Mrs. Justice Sarah Thompson-James 03.10.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 136
2009 HCV 03711 Mills, Tyianna (an infant who sues by her father, Joshua Mills) v Forrester, Sheldon and Graham, Halway The Hon. Mr. Justice Bertram Morrison 31.05.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 88
2015 HCV 02456 Moore, Balvine v Mills, Marcia Andrea et al The Hon. Miss Justice Andrea Thomas 27.03.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 69
2016 HCV 02499 Morrison, Marjorie et al v Morrison, Lourice (Executrix and next friend of Zoe Morrison) et al The Hon. Mrs. Justice Lisa Palmer Hamilton 02.02.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 57
2013CD00107 Mossell (Jamaica) Limited v Cable and Wireless Jamaica Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 09.01.2018 [2018] JMCC COMM 3
2015 M 32353 Mr. D v Mrs. D The Hon. Miss Justice Nicole Simmons 23.01.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 106
2018 HCV 00627 Mullings, Marlon v The Commissioner of Police, The Police Service Commission and Office of the Services Commissions The Hon. Mrs. Justice Lisa Palmer Hamilton 13.09.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 126
2017HCV 00376 Murray, Karin v Clough Long and Company The Hon. Ms. Justice Judith Pusey 16.04.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 30
2014 HCV 02286 Myers, Phillip George v Myers-Palmer, Janet et al The Hon. Mrs. Andrea Pettigrew-Collins 29.03.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 54
2017 CD 00640 National Export-Import Bank of Jamaica Limited v Knockala Enterprised Limited, M.K. Holding Limited and Smellie, Patrick et al The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 01.05.2018 [2018] JMCC COMM 23
2017 CD 02449 National Export-Import Bank of Jamaica Limited v Sommerset Enterprises Limited and Powel, Lindeerth The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 14.06.2018 [2018] JMCC Comm 25
2016HCV00855 Naylor, Michelle and others v Webley, Sybil The Hon. Mr. Justice Dale Palmer 18.01.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 198
2013HCV06662 Nish, Derron v The Commissioner of Police The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 26.01.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 10
2008 HCV 01603 O'Connor-Reid, Hilary v Reid, Douet Guy The Hon. Mrs. Justice Sonya Wint-Blair 01.06.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 89
2009 HCV 02440 P & S Used Car Traders Limited v CVM Television Limited, Ford, Superintendent Cornwall Bigga et al The Hon. Mrs. Justice Georgiana Fraser 30.07.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 114
2016HCV05084 Palmer, Orlando Earl v Harrison, Woman Constable and Bailey, Constable et al Master Miss Pamela Mason (Ag.) 09.11.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 184
2015HCV02540 Palmer,Dinsdale v Caricom Home Builders Company Limited et al The Hon. Miss Justice Anne-Marie A. Nembhard 22.01.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ.22
2018 CD 00235 Panton, Errol v Panton, Donald and Panton, Desmond The Hon. Miss Justice Carol Edwards 20.12.2018 [2018] JMCC Comm 46
2016 HCV 03045 Patrick-Gardner, Deborah v Mendez and Public Service Commission The Hon. Mr. Justice Bertram Morrison, The Hon. Mrs. Justice Audre Lindo, The Hon. Mrs. Justice Sarah Thompson-James 19.04.2018 [2018] JMFC Full 2
2011HCV03170 Peart, John v Palmer-Peart, Sandra, SSP Aptec Limited and JSJ Holdings Limited The Hon. Miss Justice Calys Wiltshire 27.07.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 186
2015 HCV 03989 Perry, Tanisha v The Commissioner of Police and the Attorney General of Jamaica The Hon. Mr. Justice Kissock Laing 31.07.2018 [2018]JMSC Civ.113
2017 HCV 03045 Petrojam Limited v The Industrial Disputes Tribunal and Minister of Labour & Social Security The Hon. Mr. Justice B. Andrew Rattray 14.12.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 166
2017 HCV 01798 Pitt, Ashton v Attorney General of Jamaica, The Westmoreland Municipal Corporation, The National Environmental and Planning Agency et al The Hon. Mrs. Justice Lorna Shelly-Williams, The Hon. Mrs. Sonia Bertram-Linton, The Hon. Miss Justice Jennifer Straw 17.12.2018 [2018] JMFC Full 7
2016HCV03811 Powell, Denia v The Board of Management of John Mills Primary and Junior High School, Ministry of Education and the Attorney General of Jamaica The Hon. Miss Justice Andrea Thomas 25.06.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 118
2016 HCV 02748 Private Power Operators Limited v Industrial Disputes Tribunal, National Workers Union and The Union of Clerical Administrative and Supervisory Employees The Hon. Mrs. Justice Georgiana Fraser 12.09.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 124
2016 HCV 03534 Quallo, Valrie June v Quallo, Alford Hanson The Hon. Miss Justice Anne-Marie A. Nembhard 23.11.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 147
2018CD00526 Re: Cable and Wireless Jamaica Ltd. The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 18.11.2018 [2018] JMCC Comm 40
CL2017CR00352 Regina v Howitt, Lenworth The Hon. Mr. Justice David Fraser 30.04.2018 [2018] JMSC Crim 2
2015 HCV01605 Reid, Cyrus v JP Tropical Foods Limited The Hon. Miss Justice Anne-Marie A. Nembhard 13.03.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 32
2017HCV00222 Reynolds, Paula and Samuels, Kenute v The Attorney General of Jamaica Master Miss Pamela Mason (Ag.) 19.10.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 183
2015 HCV 01104 Rose, Esther v Rose, Kenneth The Hon. Mr. Justice B. Andrew Rattray 20.07.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 105
2015 HCV 02179 Rose, Keith and Roce, Colleen v First Caribbean International Bank (Jamaica) Limited The Hon. Miss Justice Calys Wiltshire 05.10.2018 2018] JMSC Civ. 140
2011/M02710 Rousseau, Ruth Ann v Rousseau, Raymond The Hon. Miss Justice Carolyn Tie 18.01.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 19
2017HCV00913 Ruddock, Trevor v Brown, Farran Master Miss Pamela Mason (Ag.) 08.10.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 182
2014HCV02896 Saunders, Resford v Davis, Alphanso and Rose, Stephen Master Miss Pamela Mason (Ag.) 30.07.2019 [2018] JMSC Civ 180
2014 HCV 00836 Scotia Jamaica Building Society v Henry, Andrea The Hon. Miss Justice Anne-Marie A. Nembhard 06.06.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 91
2013HCV01451 Senior, Donovan and Senior, Alma v Jamaica Public Service Company Limited The Hon. Mrs. Justice Audre Lindo 22.11.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 149
2016 HCV 00725 Shaw, Neil v Jamaica North Coast Limited The Hon. Mrs. Justice Lisa Palmer Hamilton 04.05.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 56
2009 HCV 02419 Simms, Aldith v Gordon, Howard The Hon. Mrs. Justice Lisa Palmer Hamilton (Ag.) 19.12.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 192
2014HCV04158 Simpson, Reuben v Sanmerna Paper Products Limited The Hon. Mrs. Justice Sonya Wint-Blair 31.07.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ.117
2015HCV01542 Simpson, Violet v Rochester, Winthrop The Hon. Mrs. Andrea Pettigrew-Collins 19.07.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 196
2011HCV05642 Smith, Alfred Llewellyn (Snr) (Administrator of Estate Alfred Llewelyn Smith Snr) and Smith, Donald ( Administrator of Estate Alfred Lewellyn Smith Snr) v Small, Louise The Hon. Mr. Justice David Fraser 27.11.2018 2018] JMSC Civ 150
2011 HCV 07605 Smith, Cheavela (By her mother and next friend Sharon Martin) v The University Hospital Board of Management The Hon. Miss Justice Nicole Simmons 22.08.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 108
2017HCV01328 Smith, Georgette v Jamaica Defence Force Co-Operative Credit Union The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 09.03.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 29
2011HCV05868 Smith, Luke v Pahk Limited and Smith, Delano The Hon. Mrs. Justice Sonya Wint-Blair 10.01.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ.2
2013HCV03319 Smith, Nilza v Estate of Owen Dean Smith The Hon. Ms. Justice Judith Pusey 22.05.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 82
2016 HCV01867 Smith, Shauna and Bent, Aayana (a minor by ther mother and next friend Shauana Smith) v Shackleford, Gladstone and Polson, Euguene The Hon. Mrs. Justice Lisa Palmer Hamilton 06.07.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 123
2015 HCV 04518 Smith-Wint, Fay Veronica v Smith, Donald Anthony The Hon. Mrs. Andrea Pettigrew-Collins 16.04.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 62
2016HCV04302 Southwest Airlines Co. v Commissioner of Customs and Commissioner of Revenue Appeals The Hon. Miss Justice Christine McDonald 20.03.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 31
2012 HCV03201 Spencer, Mavis v Hansle, Dennis and Hansle, Petal The Hon. Mr. Justice Bertram Morrison 17.12.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 159
2016HCV04301 Spur Tree Spices Jamaica Limited v The Minister of Labour and Social Security The Hon. Mr. Justice David Fraser 17.07.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 103
2016CD00253 St. Catherine Co-operative Credit Union Limited v Rhule Herman et al The Hon. Mr. Justice Kissock Laing 19.03.2018 [2018] JMCC Comm 12
2012 HCV 04765 Stewart, Gloria v Williams, Herbert The Hon. Mr. Justice Kissock Laing 16.02.2018 2018] JMSC Civ. 20
2013CD00083 Supreme Ventures Limited v Bissney, Camiele (trading as Camiele's One Stop) The Hon. Mr. Justice Kissock Laing 25.10.2018 [2018] JMCC Comm 33
S-189/1996 Swapp, Elgin v The Attorney General of Jamaica and Superintendent Reginald Grant The Hon. Mr. Justice B. Andrew Rattray 30.01.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 11
2015 HCV 06123 Tancour Construction Ja Ltd and Tryone Sean, Annette Jean Blount, Courtney Lewis et al (Trading as Lewis and Blount Construction Developers) v Registrar of Titles, Solid Engineering Ltd. et al The Hon. Miss Justice Jennifer Straw 22.06.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 83
2017CD00281 Tanner, Mary Elaine (Executrix of the Estate of Donald Tanner) v Brown, Karlene and Brown, Sophia et al The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 27.04.2018 [2018] JMSC Comm 15
2015 CD 00025 Television Jamaica Limited v Linscom Network Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 29.06.2018 [2018] JMCC Comm 18
2013HCV03158 The Administrator General of Jamaica (Administrator of Estate Tyrone Powell, deceased v Edwards, Vince and the Attorney General of Jamaica The Hon. Mrs. Justice Audre Lindo 20.11.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 148
HCC 125/15 The Assets Recovery Agency v Gregg, Ralph The Hon. Mrs. Justice Vivene Harris 28.02.2018 [2018] JMSC Crim 1
HCC31/17(1) The Queen v Green, Kimeo The Hon. Mr. Justice David Fraser 07.11.2018 [2018] JMSC Crim 3
2016 HCV 00357 The Registrar of Companies v Simultech (Jamaica) Limited The Hon. Miss Justice Anne-Marie A. Nembhard 09.05.2018 [2018] JMSC. Civ 76
2018ID00005 The Trustee of the Estates of Cuddy'z Franchise One Limited and Courjon Investments Limited et al v Access Financial Services Limited and National Peoples Cooperative Bank Jamaica Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 21.12.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 158
2014 HCV 00792 Thompson, Kerry-Ann Neisha v Smith, Glenroy Karl The Hon. Miss Justice Cresencia Brown Beckford 20.07.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ.104
2014 HCV 00792 Thompson, Kerry-Ann v Smith, Glenroy Smith The Hon. Miss Justice Cresencia Brown Beckford 04.09.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 104
2012HCV 03473 Thorpe, Marva v McPherson, Curtis The Hon. Mrs. Justice Stephane Jackson-Haisley 19.12.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 154
2013 HCV 04486 Tyndale, Dwight v Edgar, Kenneth; Tax Administration Jamaica and the Attorney General of Jamaica et al The Hon. Ms. Justice Judith Pusey 07.12.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 39
2014 HCV 01922 VIP Home for the Aged Limited v Pryce, Maxine The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 15.03.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 46
2011 HCV 00494, 2011 HCV 01093, 2016 HCV 000956 Walcott, Eval v Walters, Shawn et al consolidated with Chin, Dwayne v Walters, Shawn et al The Hon. Mrs. Justice Marcia Dunbar Green 23.04.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 65
2012HCV02195 Walcott, Niecko Ortago v Clayton, Lloyd and Crooks, Jasmine The Hon. Mrs. Justice Lisa Palmer Hamilton (Ag.) 20.11.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 191
2014HCV00334 Walker, Joel v JN General Insurance Company Ltd. The Hon. Mr. Justice Glen Brown 03.01.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 4
2015 CD 00133 Walters, Isolyn v Jamaica Bauxite Mining Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 29.06.2018 [2018] JMCC Comm 17
2012HCV04204 Welch, Damion v Thompson, Roxneil and Brown, Tyrone Master Mrs. Natalie Hart-Hines 03.12.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 59
2017 CD 00280 Weststar International Limited and Campbell, Ryland v Finizi, Winston The Hon. Miss Justice Carol Edwards 20.12.2018 [2018] JMCC Comm 44
2011HCV06602 White, Hubert v O'Connor, Constable and the Attorney General of Jamaica The Hon. Mr. Justice Evan Brown 19.01.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 09
2014HCV05930 Whittaker, Aston v Campbell, Calvin Junior and Jones, Deno Master Miss Pamela Mason 06.12.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 185
2014 HCV 06105 Whittingham, Lorraine v McNiel, Odette and Maxwell, Kenneth The Hon. Mrs. Justice Lisa Palmer Hamilton 12.01.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 5
2013HCV02851 Whyte, Glafton v Powell, Lasford The Hon. Miss Justice Yvonne Brown 19.01.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 43
2013HCV02851 Whyte, Glafton v Powell, Lasford The Hon. Miss Justice Yvonne Brown 19.01.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 43
2008HCV02492 Williams, Hylton v Allen, David and Freckleton, Richard The Hon. Mrs. Justice Audre Lindo 12.06.2018 [2018] JMSC. Civ. 94
2009HCV04025 Williams, Ileen Oliphant v Williams, Bernard The Hon. Mrs. Justice Vivene Harris 25.05.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 77
2016 HCV 03278 Williams, Nadine v Francis, Rachel; Waysome, Leemon et al The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 19.04.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 96
2012 HCV 03449 Williams, Norda v Juici Patties Limited and CMK Bakery Limited The Hon. Mrs. Justice Lorna Shelly-Williams 25.09.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ.128
2013HCV00103 and 2013HCV02166 Williams-Phillips, Dr. Sandra v University Hospital Board of Management Tried Together with Williams-Phillips, Dr. Sandra v University Hospital Board of Management The Hon. Mrs. Justice Vivene Harris 09.02.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 15
CL19991T120 Willoughby, Carlton v Hayman, Wilton and Thompson, Davion The Hon. Mrs. Justice Simone Wolfe-Reece 22.05.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ 87
2015 HCV 04518 Wint-Smith, Fay v Smith, Donald The Hon. Mrs. Andrea Pettigrew-Collins 16.04.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 62
2013CD00098 Wong Sam, Dorrett v Jamaica Redevelopment Foundation Inc. The Hon. Mr. Justice Kissock Laing 26.02.2018 [2018] JMCC Comm 13
2013HCV04916 Worgs, Valentina v Bell, Leon The Hon. Miss Justice Christine McDonald 28.02.2018 [2018] JMSC Civ. 25