LIVE STREAM: Swearing-in Ceremony for the Judges for the Michaelmas Term 2025


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgements and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.

The Hon. Miss Justice Andrea Thomas

Fagan, Fredrick v Perry, Kenneth

Land Law – Fraud – Defeasibility of title – Breach of contract of Sale for Land – Whether a contract was duly formed between the parties – Whether the Defendant/Purchaser completed payment of the purchase price – Whether the Defendant was a purchaser in possession or a Tenant – Whether the Registered Title was transferred to the Defendant by fraud – Whether a contract is still enforceable where there is fraudulent performance.

Maise, Oral v Jamaica Beverages Limited

Negligence - Occupier’s Liability Act - Breach of Duty of Care - The Claimant
alleges that he fell from the steps of the Employer’s Truck which were wet due
to heavy rains - Whether the employer failed to provide a safe system of work.

Palmer, Adidja; Shawn Campbell and Andre St. John v Superintendent of Tower Street Correctional Centre, Attorney General and the Director of Public Prosecution

Writ of Habeas Corpus ad subjiciendum. The Conviction of the Applicants on charges for murder, have been quashed but the issue as to whether they should be retried is still pending - Where a conviction has been quashed, and no verdict of acquittal yet entered, whether this results in the removal of the charge against the Applicants – Whether any further detention after the quashing of the conviction.

Wint Harrow, Enid v Thorpe, Arlene

Application to strike out - Action on the case - The tort of negligence from a motor vehicle accident - Limitation of action - Computation of time - Whether the day of the accident is excluded from the reckoning of time.

Hemans, Barrington v Tennant, Dean

Land Law - Breach of Contract - Specific performance and damages - Oral Agreement - Claimant alleges that the oral contract was later reduced to writing for the purpose of transfer of title - Whether the unavailability of the written contract is fatal to the claim - Whether there are sufficient acts of part performance - Whether these acts are referable to an oral agreement for the sale of land or to a tenancy.

Riley-Smith, Odette v Dental Council of Jamaica, the Minister of Health and Wellness and the Attorney General of Jamaica

Application for Leave for Judicial Review - Whether there is a discretionary bar of delay - Whether the fact that the Applicant was in communication with the decision maker, seeking clarification, suspends the running of time. Whether the court can grant an extension of time in the absence of an application from the Applicant for an extension of time- Whether there is an arguable ground with a realistic prospect of success. (Rule 56).








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