LIVE STREAM: Swearing-in Ceremony for the Judges for the Michaelmas Term 2025


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Judgment Search

E.g., 10.03.2025


Case Number Title Presiding Judge Date of delivery Neutral Citation
2013HCV05009 Administrator General for Jamaica (On behalf of the near relations and dependants as representative claimant for the estate of Mark Henry, deceased v Lewis, Lloyd et al The Hon. Mr. Justice Frank Williams 17.06.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 116
2015HCV04032 Adoption Board (The) v In the Matter of the Children (Adoption Of) Act The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 23.09.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 185
2011HCV04463 Aiken Phillips, Joy v Phillips, Donovan The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 26.01.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 20
2013HCV05656 Atkinson, Dennis v Development Bank of Jamaica, Business Recovery Services Limited, Tomlinson, Kenneth and Digiorder Jamaica Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Evan Brown 31.07.2015 2015] JMSC Civ 161
2011 HCV 01188 Atkinson, Neville v Hunt, Olamae The Hon. Mr. Justice Raymund King 10.02.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 14
2015HC04687 ATL Group Pension Trustee Nominee Ltd v The Industrial Disputes Tribunal and Barber, Catherine The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 10.11.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 211
2010HCV0550 Attorney General of Jamaica v PA Lawson Engineering and Construction Limited The Hon. Mrs. Justice Lorna Shelly-Williams 27.03.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 56
2011HCV06327 Azan, Gassan v Bank of Nova Scotia Jamaica Limited, Jamaica Property Company Limited and McKay Security Services and Investigative Services Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Glen Brown 16.09.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 66
2015 HCV 02354 Bailey Terrelonge Allen (A firm) v National Transport Co-operative Society Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell 18.12.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 251
2011HCV 05654 Banton, Clive v Banton, Sadie and Jamaica Redevelopment Foundation Inc. The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 20.03.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 61
2010HCV 01706 Barclay, Lou Anne v Levy, Doreen and Levy, Daamar The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 26.02.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 136
2008HCV04545 Barnes, Yoensy v Bizet, Maikel The Hon. Mrs. Justice Vivene Harris 09.04.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ.62
2010HCV03366 Barnett, Jassil and Barnes, Nulis (Administrators, Estate of Theodore Barnette v Ebanks Neville et al The Hon. Mrs. Justice Vivene Harris 29.04.2015 [2015] JMSC. Civ 264
2009HCV4855 Benain, Merna v Brown, Karl Consolidated with Brown, Iola v Brown, Karl and Benain, Merna The Hon. Miss Justice Paulette Williams 27.03.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 59
2010HCV03070 Bennett, Phyllis v Gray, Wayne and Jones, Nadine CONSOLIDATED WITH Collie, Devon; Gray, Wayne and Jones, Nadine The Hon. Miss Justice Nicole Simmons 25.03.2015 2015 JMSC CIV 49
2014HCV04307 Bernard-Kilbourne, Audrey v The Board of Management of Maldon Primary School The Hon. Mr. Justice David Fraser 17.08.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 170
2015CD00057 Better Bee Supplies and Services Ltd. v Smith, Lascell Lloyd The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 18.12.2015 [2015] JMCC Comm 28
2014HCV05681 Blair, Adasa; Hay, Cathlyn; Blair, Justin et al v Blair, Neville and Brown's and Son Funeral Parlour Ltd. The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 21.01.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 3
2014CD00023 Blake, Sherine v Ldosta Loans and Financial Management Limited and Brown, Lincoln The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 20.04.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 14
2011 HCV 06977 and 2012 HCV 02555 Bogle, Amy v The Transport Authority Consolidated with Bogle, Amy v Bowen, Lloyd; Saunders, Pauline et al The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 09.10.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 258
2013 HCV 05544 Briscoe, Deloris v Jamaica Urban Transit Company Limited and Mitchell, Omar The Hon. Miss Justice Cresencia Brown Beckford 09.09.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 200
2016 HCV 04172 Brown, Alton v Attorney General and Revenue Protection Division Financial Investigation Division The Hon. Miss Justice Nicole Simmons 16.01.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 4
2013HCV01474, 2011HCV03945; 2011HCV03946 Brown, Elizabeth v Clarke, Daphne; Clarke, Wilton et al Consolidated with Ellis, Bervin v Clarke, Daphne and Clarke, Wilton Consolidated with Thompson, Andrew v Clarke, Daphne et al The Hon. Mr. Justice Kissock Laing 26.11.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 234
2010HCV01398 Brown, Lashan (A minor who sues by her sister and next friend Shaneefe Nemhard) v Peart, Lester, Jamaica Defence Force and The Attorney General of Jamaica Consolidated with Brown, Ronald et al The Hon. Mr. Justice Evan Brown 31.07.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 162
2006HCV01691 Brown, Latoya v The Attorney General for Jamaica The Hon. Mr. Justice Evan Brown 12.05.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 89
RCA2 OF 2015 and RCA 3 of 2015 Brown, Miltion trading as Karnack Hardware v The Commissioner General (formerly the Commissioner of Taxpayer Appeals) The Hon. Mr. Justice B. Andrew Rattray 23.06.2015 [2015] JMRC 3
2014 HCV 05928 Build-Rite Construction Company Limited and GM and Associates Limited v NIF Resort Management Company Limited and the Attorney General of Jamaica The Hon. Mr. Justice Kissock Laing 19.02.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 21
2013HCV03376 Cameron, Lowell and Dennis, Errol v Pike, Robert and Pike, Hopeton The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 12.03.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 66
2014 HCV 00854 Cammock-Gayle, Melody v Urquhart, Heather The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 18.09.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 213
2014HCV04464 Campbell, Douglas v The Strata Appeals Tribunal and PSP No. 73 (Carib Ocho Rios) The Hon. Mr. Justice Kissock Laing 18.03.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 46
2010HCV02692 Capital One N A v Business Ventures and Solutions Incorporated and Tharpe, Anthony D (Discontinued on 26 Nov. 2012) and Buchanan, (Discontinued on 26 Nov. 2012) The Hon. Mrs. Justice Carol Lawrence-Beswick 29.05.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 102
2013HCV 06575 Caribbean Pirates Theme Park Limited v Irish Rover Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 29.05.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ.158
2014HCV 03915 Chambers, Leon v Beech, Lawrence; Spence, Lorraine and the Attorney General of Jamaica The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 18.09.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 197
2013 HCV 03117 Clarke, Moranda v Godson, Dion Marie and Ranger, Donald 20.03.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 48
2012HCV01806 Coke, Andrew v The Commissioner of Police, The Chief of Staff of the Jamaica Defence Force and the Ministry of Security et al The Hon. Miss Justice Jennifer Straw, The Hon. Miss Justice Nicole Simmons, The Hon. Mr. Justice Lloyd Hibbert 25.03.2015 [2015] JMFC Full 2
2015CD00036 Columbus Communications Jamaica Limited v Latty, Sean and Digicel Jamaica Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Kissock Laing 22.05.2015 [2015] JMCC Comm. 8
2015HCV03522 Commissioner of the Independent Commission of Investigations v The Commissioner of the Jamaica Constabulary Force The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 17.02.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 20
2015 HCV 03451 Commissioner, The Independent Commission of Investigations and Plummer, Mollie v Tie, Carolyn, Senior Resident Magistrate Montego Bay Resident Magistrate's Court The Hon. Mrs. Justice Sarah Thompson-James 21.08.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 173
2009HCV06410 Continental Baking Company Ltd., Rainforest Seafoods Ltd., Copperwood Ltd., etc v Super Plus Food and Stores Limited et al The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 13.08.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ.169
2015HCV05012 Curtello, Suzette v University of the West Indies Board of Graduate Studies The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 11.11.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 223
HCV 01654/2015 Dagor Limited v MSB Limited and National Commercial Bank Jamaica Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 04.12.2015
2015CD00029 Daswani, Haresh v Daswani, Monique, Surf Classic Company Limited and Sun Kissed Jamaica Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 05.06.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 10
2009HCV02904 Davy, Shawn v The Attorney General of Jamaica; Kingston Public Hospital (Substituted by South East Regional Health Authority) The Hon. Mrs. Justice Audre Lindo 26.06.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 126
2014HCV04191 Dawes, Daniel v Transport Authority, Ministry of Labour and Social Security and The Attorney General of Jamaica The Hon. Mrs. Justice Lorna Shelly-Williams 06.03.2015 [2015]JMSC Civ. 37
2015CD00089 Dewar, Debbian v Moo Young, Ervin; Warren, Beres; Moo Young, Overton; Elliot, Leroy et al The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 27.11.2015 [2015] JMCC COMM 23
2009HCV00151 Dewar, Olivia v Thomas, Pauline The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 30.01.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 8
2011M1836 Duncan, Gregory George v Duncan, Racquel Sidanie The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 24.04.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 75
199CLD00106 Dunkley, Carlton v Chen, Jeremy and Chen, Lisa The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell 21.09.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 181
2013HCV04910 Edwards, Blossom v Bedward, Rhonda The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 21.04.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 74
2011HCV04261 Facey, Trevor v Phil's Incorporated Limited, Phillips, Basil and Weller, Everton The Hon. Mrs. Justice Audre Lindo 03.09.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 175
2014HCV04079 Fenton's Investments Limited and Fenton, Neville v Eloff Hansson Inc. The Hon. Miss Justice Jennifer Straw 22.07.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 138
2011HCV05718 First Global Bank Limited v Dussard, Garfield The Hon. Mr. Justice B. Andrew Rattray 19.02.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 19
2010HCV05157 First Global Bank Ltd. v Williams, D'Oyden and Williams, Tracy Ann The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 05.03.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 11
2014CD00052 Forte, Leon v Twin Acres Development Ltd. The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 09.02.2015 [2015] CD 00004
2011HCV04442 Francis, Charles Vernon v Columbus Communications Jamaica Limited (trading as FLOW) and Jamaica Public Service Company Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice B. Andrew Rattray 18.08.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 171
2011 HCV 00788 Francis, Kern v Depass, Peter; Francis, Kern and Williams, Monique The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 05.11.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 255
2014HCV03576 Gibbs-Denis, Sonia Veronica (Executrix of Leslie Alexander Denis, deceased) v Denis, Leslie Alex and James, Giselle The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 05.03.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 33
2013HCV06101 Gilbert, Troy v Regina The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell 07.01.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 64
2008HCV03558 Gilroy, Sharlton v Hudson, Fernando The Hon. Mr. Justice Frank Williams 18.06.2015 [2015] JMSC Civil 117
2012HCV04872 Gordon, Goreth v Gordon, Elvis The Hon. Mr. Justice Bertram Morrison 23.04.2015 [2015] JMMC MC 2
2013HCV06636 Gordon, Henry v Attorney General of Jamaica The Hon. Mrs. Sonia Bertram-Linton 03.12.2015 2015] JMSC Civ. 240
2011HCV04066 Graham, Billard v Wright, Jeremy The Hon. Mrs. Justice Audre Lindo 23.04.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ.69
2008 HCV 05328 Gray, Natalie v Pryce, Donald and Newsome, Noel AND Pryce, Donald v Newsome, Noel The Hon. Miss Justice Paulette Williams 18.06.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 118
2014HCV02649 Green, Adrea and Edwards, Mark v Findlay, Christine; Findlay, Lloyd et al The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 13.08.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 157
2013HCV1442 Green, Lovell v Porter, Special Corporal Owen The Hon. Mrs. Sonia Bertram-Linton 10.11.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 218
2011 HCV 01287 Green, Noel v Garbage Disposal & Sanitation Systems Limited Consolidated with Lowe, Laureston v Garbage Disposal & Sanitation Limited et al The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell 30.10.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 206
2011HCV04377 Griffiths, Reverend Dr. Ralph v Attorney General of Jamaica; Nelson, Constable and The Transport Authority The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 30.01.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 34
2013HCV00192 Griffiths-Brown, Corrine v Brown, Conrad James The Hon. Mrs. Justice Sarah Thompson-James 19.08.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 172
2013HCV04518 Guyah, Omar v The Commissioner of Customs and The Attorney General of Jamaica The Hon. Mr. Justice Leighton Pusey 27.02.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 28
2014HCV01903 Hamilton, Herbert A. v Minister of National Security and Attorney General of Jamaica The Hon. Mr. Justice Frank Williams 28.04.2015 [2015] JMSC Civil 39
2012HCV03461 Harriott, Yvette v Jamaica Property Co. Ltd. The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 20.07.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 137
2014HCV03200 Harrison, Ruth Olga and Harrison, Patrick v Wilson, Deata; Harrison, Roxanne; Wilson, Denni et al The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 23.04.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 99
2014 HCV 02179 Haughton, Monica v Personnel Committee of The Board of Management of Liberty Hill Primary School, Ministry of Education and Attorney General of Jamaica The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell 30.10.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 207
2007HCV4116 Hemans, Winston v Anderson, Special Constable Andrew and the Attorney General The Hon. Mr. Justice Evan Brown 22.05.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 94
RANo. 4 of 2011 Henry, Ava v The Commissioner General Tax Administration Jamaica (Filed against Commissioiner of Taxpayer Appeals) The Hon. Mr. Justice Frank Williams 20.04.2015 [2015] JMRC 2
2011HCV05126 Henry, Ryan v Kingston Container Terminal Services Limited The Hon. Mrs. Justice Lorna Shelly-Williams 20.08.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 154
2015HCV01418 Hines, Lennox v Electoral Commission of Jamaica; Minister of Local Government and Community Development and Attorney General of Jamaica The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell 13.05.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 90
2012 HCV 02768 Hines-Brissett, Norma v Brissett, Lennox Roxroy 03.03.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 41
2007HCV03924 Hogan, James and Lattibudaire, Rene v Al-Tec Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Bertram Morrison 22.05.2015 [2015] JMC Civ. 85
2012HCV00119 Howard, Wilbert v Forte, Conroy Snr. The Hon. Mrs. Justice Audre Lindo 24.04.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 70
2009 HCV00279 Howell, Wayne v Clarke, Adolph trading as Clarke's Hardware The Hon. Mrs. Justice Marcia Dunbar Green 19.06.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 124
2012M01056 Hugh Sam, Suzette Ann Marie v Hugh Sam, Quentin Chong The Hon. Mr. Justice Evan Brown 16.01.2015 [2015] JMMD: FD 1
2006-HCV 03264 Humphrey, Dwayne v Lewis, Luther; Marksman Company Ltd. and Carib Cement Company Ltd. The Hon. Mrs. Justice Marcia Dunbar Green 26.03.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 50
2015CD0001 Hunter, Roger v Leahy, Alma Grace and Bupa Insurance Limited trading as BUPA Global The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 07.10.2015 [2015] JMCC COMM 20
2008 HCV O4410 Hyde, Victor v E Phil & Sons A S Ltd. and the Attorney General of Jamaica Consolidated with Stewart, Mitsy v E Phil & Son A S Ltd. and the Attorney General of Jamaica The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 03.07.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 150
2013CD00070 ISP Finance Services Ltd. v E.W. Abrahams & Sons Ltd. The Hon. Mr. Justice Kissock Laing 30.07.2015 [2015] JMCD CD.15
2012HCV02013 Jamaica Edible Oil & Fats Company Ltd. v MSA Tire (Jamaica) Limited and Lavan, Jeanne The Hon. Mr. Justice Evan Brown 27.03.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 52
2014HCV0429 Jamaica Teachers' Association v Francis, Marlon; Creary, Margaret and Ennis, Althea et al The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 14.07.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 92
2013CD000146 JMMB Merchant Bank Limited v Finzi, Winston and Mahoe Bay Company Limited (No.2) The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 14.07.2015 [2015] JMCC Comm 11
2013CD00146 JMMB Merchant Bank Limited v Finzi, Winston and Mahoe Bay Company Limited (No.3) The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 30.07.2015 [2015] JMCCD 16
2012HCV04661 JN General Insurance v Fairweather, Debbie-Ann The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 10.12.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 249
2004HCV02245 Jobson, Demetri and Jobson, Max v Administrator General of Jamaica and New Falmouth Resorts Limited The Hon. Miss Justice Nicole Simmons 18.12.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 253
2012HCV02491 Johnson, Merlene v Campbell, Ainsworth 07.10.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 195
2014 HCV 01479 Johnson, Michelle Angella v Passley, Lawrence Michael The Hon. Mr. Justice Kissock Laing 17.07.2015 2015] JMSC Civ.135
2012HCV00617 Johnson, Raymond Lincoln Oliver v Johnson, Angela Eunice The Hon. Mrs. Justice Lorna Shelly-Williams 15.06.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 112
2010HCV0449 Kandappa, Palnama v Graham, Pamela; Brown, Marcia and Graham, Winston The Hon. Mr. Justice Evan Brown 10.07.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 130
2014HCV04430 Kandekore, Lijyasu v COK Sodality Co. Credit Union, Doley, Deidre and Ward, Donovan The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 17.04.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 127
5537, 5538, 5539 & 5540 of 2005 Khemlani, Raju v Public Supermarket Limited, Topaz Investments Limited, Kay Mart Limited and Lord & Lady Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell 01.05.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 80
2009 HCV 02889 Lauder, Nicola and Jones, Lydia v Brady, Everett The Hon. Mr. Justice Evan Brown 17.04.2015 [2015]JMSC Civ 68
2012HCV02998 Ledgister, John v Sunnycrest Enterprises Ltd. v Jamaica Redevelopment Foundation Inc. The Hon. Mrs. Justice Lorna Shelly-Williams 15.01.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 7
2010 HCV 00346 Lee, Michael v Senior's Woodwork and Construction Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Evan Brown 06.11.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 210
2009HCV00660 Legal Officer's Staff Association and Manley, Tasha et al v The Attorney General et al The Hon. Mr. Justice Frank Williams, The Hon. Mr. Justice Raymund King, The Hon. Mrs. Justice Marva McDonald-Bishop 17.07.2015 [2015] JMFC FC 3
2010 HCV 00041 Lunan, Ian v Sudine, Rohan The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 23.10.2015 [2015]JMSC Civ. 260
2011HCV05087 Lynch, Hyacinth Veronica v Blackwood, Derrick The Hon. Miss Justice Jennifer Straw 08.10.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 196
2015HCV01573 Maco Management Inc. v The Proprietors, Strata Plan 440 and Strata Appeals Tribunal The Hon. Mr. Justice Frank Williams 27.07.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 159
2015 HCV 05028 Mamby-Alexander, Jennifer and Thomas, Alfred (On behalf of themselves and 92 other residents in the community of Hope Pastures in the Parish of St. Andrew) v Jamaica Public Service Company Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Lloyd Hibbert 25.11.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 260
2007 HCV 05198 Matthews, Gladstone v Campbell, Errol; Crazy Max Distributors Ltd; Weston Taylor et al The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 06.07.2015 [2013] JMSC Civ. 139
2003 HCV 2351 Matthews, Hyacinth v University Hospital Board of Management The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 27.01.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 40
2014CD00005 Mavis Bank Coffee Factory Limited v Blackwood, Donovan The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 22.05.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 12
2013 HCV 00765 McGaw, Dwayne v Jamaica Infrastructure Operator Limited and United Management Services Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 18.09.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 205
2013HCV00647 McGowan Simmonds, Virginia v Jamaica Cooperative Credit Union League Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 08.09.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 179
2013HCV05312 McMorris, Donovan v Bryan, Maurice The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 31.07.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 203
2012HCV00292 Miller, Carlene v Miller, Harold The Hon. Mrs. Justice Marcia Dunbar Green 13.02.2015 2015] JMSC Civ. 18
2012 HCV 00345 Miller, Vinston (Administrator of the estate of Weston Miller, deceased v Caribbean Producers jamaica Limited and Hillary, Kirk The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell 18.12.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 250
2014 HCV 01222 Millingen, Bradley and Thomas, Simone v Stoddart Millengen, Lisa The Hon. Mr. Justice Lloyd Hibbert 09.06.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 261
2008 HCV 03214 Minor, Pamela v Sandals Resort International Ltd. (Trading as Beaches Negril Resort and Spa), Real Resorts Ltd. and Beaches Management Ltd. The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 18.12.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 256
2011HCV00361 Minott, Donovan v Nevins, Norvel Dervin; Nevins, Chenley and Reid, Oswald The Hon. Mrs. Sonia Bertram-Linton 18.11.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 225
2013HCV00700 Moody, Richardo v National Solid Waste Management Authority The Hon. Mrs. Justice Audre Lindo 27.02.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 23
2010HCV00477 Morgan, Lowell v Sentry Services Company Ltd. and SGB Maintenance Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 06.02.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 12
2015HCV01740 Morrison, Harold v Phipps, Frank; Phipps, Pearl; Phipps, Kathryn and Satterswaite, Dawn et al The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 10.11.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 219
2011HCV06092 Morton, Patrick v Ojay Koolers Limited The Hon. Mrs. Justice Audre Lindo 03.03.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ.24
2013 CD 00 116 and 2013 CD 00156 Murray, George and Murray, Karin v Petros, Sam Between Petros, Sam; Murray, George and Murray, Karin The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 23.10.2015 [2015] JMCC COMM 21
2015HCV02511 National Commercial Bank Jamaica Limited v The Industrial Disputes Tribunal and Jennings, Peter The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 27.05.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 105
RCA4/2012 National Commercial Bank Jamaica Limited; NCB Insurance Company Limited and Data-Cap Processing Ltd. v Commissioner General Tax Administration of Jamaica The Hon. Mr. Justice B. Andrew Rattray 23.03.2015 [2015] JMRC 1
2015 HCV 01608 Nationwide News Network Ltd. v AIG Jamaica Insurance Company Ltd. The Hon. Miss Justice Cresencia Brown Beckford 27.11.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ.233
2011 HCV 04513 Nelson, Tivy Austin v Nelson, Melva Evadne The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell 30.10.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 208
2014CD00136 Nika Management Company Limited v Global Accountancy College Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 01.10.2015 [2015] JMCC COMM 19
2014 HCV 02872 Nooks, George v First Caribbean International Bank (Jamaica) Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 12.06.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 113
2015HCV02107 North American Holdings Company Ltd. v Androcles Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 22.07.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 151
2010HCV04853 Northern Sunshine Farms (Manitoba) Ltd. v CMA, CGM SA, CMA, CGM (CANADA) INC., CMA, CGM (JAMAICA) LTD. and Kingston Container Terminal Services (KCT) Ltd. The Hon. Mrs. Sonia Bertram-Linton 11.03.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 217
2013HCV01171 Northover, Kaon and Jsa K Ann v Lawrence, Minett The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 22.01.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 35
2015CD00059 Nunes, Aspinal Wayne v Jamaica Redevelopment Foundation Inc. The Hon. Mr. Justice Kissock Laing 31.07.2015 [2015] JMCD CD. 17
2010 HCV 02413 and 2012 HCV06552 Ocean Chimo Ltd v Royal Bank (Jamaica) Ltd (RBC), Royal Bank (T & T) Ltd (RBC), Royal Bank of Canada et al Between Howell. Delroy, Royal Bank of Canada and Billard, Samuel et al The Hon. Miss Justice Carol Edwards 18.11.2015 [2015]JMCC Comm. 22
2009HCV01383 Passley, Michael (b.n.f Mark Passley) v South Ease Regional Health Authority and the Attorney General The Hon. Mrs. Justice Audre Lindo 17.07.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 114
2014HCV05470 Pear Tree Bottom Land Owners Association Limited v Grand Bahia Principe Hotel, Hpjapi Limited, Tankweld Development Limited, BNS, BOJ, Attorney General and DPP The Hon. Mr. Justice Leighton Pusey 15.04.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 60
2012HCV004605 Pershadsingh, Celia Diane v Ford, Dr. Jepthah The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 23.04.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ.123
2014 HCV 04619 Pharmacy Council of Jamaica v Registration Appeals Tribunal The Hon. Mr. Justice Leighton Pusey 07.05.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 115
2014 HCV 04155 Pine, Miguel v Commissioner of Police The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell 21.09.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 182
2012 HCV 05266 Planter, John v Attorney General of Jamaica The Hon. Mr. Justice Kissock Laing 22.09.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 184
2014CD00006 Pommells, Lloyd and Pommells, Toni Ann v Kerr, Donald and Kerr, Christopher The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 10.12.2015 [2015] JMCC COMM 26
2013HCV 03010 Powell, Leslie v Virgo, Andrew and Fulton, Christopher 11.11.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 220
2013HCV00732 Pryce, Kavin v Binns, Raphael and Jackson, Michael The Hon. Mrs. Justice Vinette Graham-Allen 22.05.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 96
2014HCV04210 Raymond, Randean Roy v Reid, Ruel, the Principal, Board of Management of Jamaica College The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 27.04.2015 [2015]JMSC Civ. 76
2014 CD00120 Reid, Cecil v Global Design and Builders Limited, Duncan, George and Quantity Surveying Consultant Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Kissock Laing 27.11.2015 [2015] JMCC Comm. 24
2011HCV07412 Reid, Chrismore; Aarons, Andrae v Wilson, Warren and Wright, Steadman The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 23.01.2015 2015]JMSC Civ. 15
2011HCV06065 Reid, Gerald v Gyles, Alexton and United Estates Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Bertram Morrison 22.04.2015 [2015] JMC Civ. 73
2004HCV2816 Reid, Leonard v Lothian, Edward and Grant, Amon The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 17.07.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 134
2013HCV05675 Richards, Constable Ernesto v McDonald, Clive, Island Traffic Authority and Inland Revenue Department The Hon. Mrs. Justice Audre Lindo 11.12.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 243
2010HCV003081 Riley, Roydel v Burke, Ephraim; Lawrence, Julius et al The Hon. Mr. Justice Frank Williams 28.07.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 160
2010HCV06026 Rowe, Calvin v Bailey, Everton The Hon. Mrs. Justice Lorna Shelly-Williams 27.03.2015 [2015]JMSC Civ. 65
2009HCV 02858 Rowe, Tahjay v The Attorney General for Jamaica and The South Eastern Regional Health Authority The Hon. Mrs. Justice Audre Lindo 10.09.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ.177
2013 HVC 02874 Samms, Lascelle and Samms, Jillian v Lane Investments Limited and Milex Security Services Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Glen Brown 17.09.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 244
2010HCVA0002 Sherriah, O Augustus v DYC Fishing Limited; The Owners of MN Devin and MV Brice et al The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 02.03.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 27
2011HCV03331 Silvest, Casilda and Samuels, Leon v Ellis, Rupert and Thomas, Devon The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell 15.04.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 63
2012HCV02727 Skyers, Kevin v The Attorney General for Jamaica, Robinson, Richardo and Brown, Shawn The Hon. Miss Justice Paulette Williams 14.05.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ.86
2013HCV 06888 Smalling, Bobette v Satterswaite, Dawn; Cleary, Annmarie; Higgins, Paulette; Ramsay, Janet and Hamilton, Dorothy The Hon. Miss Justice Jennifer Straw 17.09.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 183
2014HCV00102 Smith, Edrica and Vincent v The Registrar of Titles, Duval, Desmond (personal representative and executor of the estates Mary Duval and Austin Duval, deceased) The Hon. Mr. Justice Kissock Laing 11.02.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 83
2012HCV07136 Smith, Marcia v McLeary, Dwayne and Morgan, Marlon The Hon. Mrs. Justice Vinette Graham-Allen 26.05.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 101
2013HCV06942 Spence, Clynice v Wint-Blair, Her Honour Mr. Sonya The Hon. Mr. Justice Kirk Anderson 08.05.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 98
2012HCV00789 Stewart, Adam and Desnoes, Andrew et al v The Gleaner Company Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Frank Williams 20.02.2015 [2015] JMSC Civil 22
2010HCV03779 Stewart-Earle, Janet v Jamaica Urban Transit Company Ltd. The Hon. Mrs. Justice Marcia Dunbar Green 27.03.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 51
2010 HCV 02354 Tait, Billy v Salmon, Wesley The Hon. Mr. Justice Evan Brown 05.11.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 215
2015CD00007 Tapper, David Orlando (trading as Fyah Side Jerk and Bar) v Watkis-Porter, Heneka (trading as 10 Fyah Side) The Hon. Mr. Justice Kissock Laing 26.01.2015 [2015] JMCC Comm. 5
2010HCV 04985 Taylor, Charmaine v Branch Developments Limited trading as Iberostar Rose Hall Resort The Hon. Mrs. Justice Audre Lindo 14.10.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 176
2011HCV05207 Taylor, Lenoria v Hojapi Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 17.06.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 119
2012 HCV 00684 Taylor, Mary Maud v Taylor, Mike Alphanso The Hon. Mr. Justice Bertram Morrison 19.06.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 121
[2015] CD 00112 Television Jamaica Limited v CVM Televison Jamaica Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 28.08.2015 [2015] JMCC COMM 18
2007HCV00554 Temple, Dennis v Temple, Sedel; Lampart, Lawrence; Zinck, Inspector Alfred et al The Hon. Miss Justice Cresencia Brown Beckford 29.07.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 263
2014HCV02793 The Assets Recovery Agency v Bartley, Valcia and Edwards, Orace The Hon. Miss Justice Paulette Williams, The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 13.08.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 167
2015HCV03627 The Assets Recovery Agency v Brown, Michael AKA Erdley Barnes; Prince, Patrick et al The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 28.07.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 163
2015HCV03627 The Assets Recovery Agency v Brown, Michael AKA Erdley Barnes; Prince, Patrick; Yee, Valree (Nee Weatherly) et al The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 15.12.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 248
2014HCV04760 The Assets Recovery Agency v Smith, Upert, Smith, Gwendolyn et al The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 13.08.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 168
2013HCV003761 The Caribbean Examinations Council v The Industrial Disputes Tribunal and Phillip, Gerard The Hon. Mrs. Justice Marcia Dunbar Green 17.03.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ.44
2013CD00121 The Fair Trading Commission v Crichton Automotive Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 22.05.2015 [2015] JMCC Comm 7
2014HCV05470 The Pear Tree Bottom Land Owners Association Limited v Grand Bahai Principe Hotel, Hojapi Limited, Bank of Nova Scotia Ja. Ltd., Tank Weld Development Limited, The Bank of Jamaica, The Attorney General for Jamaica and the Director of Public Prosecutions The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 17.07.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 133
2013CD00059 The Proprietors Strata Plan No. 305 v Greater Works International Fellowship and Young, Anthony and Joy The Hon. Miss Justice Carol Edwards 22.05.2015 [2015] JMCC Comm. 6
2014 HCV 02279 and 2014 HCV 02299 The Rural Transit Association Ltd v Jamaica Urban Transit Company Ltd. Consolidated with V & B Transport Ltd. v Jamaica Urban Transit Company Ltd. The Hon. Mrs. Justice Vivene Harris 29.02.2016 [2015] JMSC Civ. 224
2014HCV03951 Thomas, Dewayne v Commissioner of Police The Hon. Mrs. Justice Lorna Shelly-Williams 26.02.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 26
2010 HCV 02556 Thomas, Enid v Thoms, Christopher The Hon. Mr. Justice Evan Brown 06.11.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 209
2013HCV02042 Thomas, Sydney v Brown-Thomas, Elaine The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 16.10.2015 [2015] JMSC CIV. 201
2012CD00059 Tyrell, Andre v Burrell, Cordel and Downsound Records Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 02.12.2015 [2015] JMCC Comm 25
2010HCV04621 Tyrell, Theophilus v Sunset Beach Resort and Spa Hotel Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Evan Brown 08.05.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 84
2011HCV00013 Universal Church of the Kingdom of God v Tewani Limited The Hon. Mrs. Justice Audre Lindo 26.06.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 100
2015 CD 00047 Venus Investments Limited v Wayne Ann Holdings Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes 02.06.2015 [2015] JMCC COMM 9
2009 HCV 03398 VRL Operators Limited v National Water Commission, The Attorney General of Jamaica, The National Works Agency et al The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 13.02.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 32
2009HCV03398 VRL Operators Limited v National Water Commission, The Attorney General of Jamaica, The National Works Agency, Jose Cartellone Construcciones S A Civiles S.A. et al The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts 27.01.2015 [2015] JMSC CIV. 93
2012HCV02884 Wallen, Tahje (B.N.F.Tracey-Ann Wedderburn) v Johnson, Marcia; Johnson, Ainsley and Williams, Lincoln The Hon. Mrs. Justice Vinette Graham-Allen 20.05.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ. 91
2008HCV04896 Watson, Nathan v The Attorney General of Jamaica The Hon. Mr. Justice Evan Brown 30.01.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 5
2013 HCV 04793 West, Mark v Walden-West, Evelyn The Hon. Mrs. Justice Georgiana Fraser 26.03.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 54
2005HCV02260 Wilkins, Ricardo v Powtronics Electrical Integrated Technology Limited, Farquharson, Donald and Jamaica Public Service Co. Limited The Hon. Mr. Justice David Fraser 01.10.2015 [2015] JMSC Civ 192
2012HCV06428 Williams, Arthur v Holness, Andrew The Hon. Mr. Justice Courtney Daye, The Hon. Mr. Justice David Batts, The Hon. Mrs. Justice Marva McDonald-Bishop 06.02.2015 [2015] JMFC Full. 1
2014HCV 00619 Williams, Jennifer v Registrar General's Department and The Attorney General of Jamaica The Hon. Mr. Justice B. Andrew Rattray, The Hon. Mrs. Justice Audre Lindo 11.12.2015







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