LIVE STREAM: Swearing-in Ceremony for the Judges for the Michaelmas Term 2025


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgements and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.

The Hon. Mrs. Justice Marva McDonald-Bishop

Legal Officer's Staff Association and Manley, Tasha et al v The Attorney General et al

Judicial review - Legitimate expectation - Government’s policy for computation of salaries of legal officers - Policy linking legal officers’ salaries to judges’ salaries - Change of policy by government - Legislation effecting change in policy - No notification to legal officers - No consultation before change effected - Breach of legal officers’ legitimate expectation - Whether breach of legitimate expectation justified - Whether legitimate expectation overridden by legislation - Appropriateness of case for judicial review - Whether alternative remedy exists - Whether declaratory relief a

Williams, Arthur v Holness, Andrew

Constitutional law - Parliament - The Senate - Appointment of Senator - Resignation of Senator - Removal of Senator - Pre-Signed and undated letters of resignation and authorization given to leader of opposition by Sanator at time of appointment  to use letters at his sole discretion to effect resignation of Senator –  Senator refusing to resign - Use of the letters by the leader of oppositon to effect resignation of the Senator – Whether authority to use letters revoked - Whether letters unconstitutional - Whether the request for and use of the letters by the leader of the opposition uncon

Okuonghae, Alexander v University Of Technology Jamaica

Employment law  – University – Visitor – Termination of employment – Contractual notice given – Allegation of breach of internal laws and natural justice by uiversity – Visitorial jurisdiction – Whether jurisdiction of court ousted – The University of the West Indies Jamamica Act, SS.5, 11(2).

Defamation  – Libel – Alleged defamatory statement by employee  – Whether university liable – Failure to plead facts relied on  – Consequences  – Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) 8.9 (1) & 8.9 (A).

Branch Developments Limited Trading as Iberostar Rose Hall Beach Hotel v The Bank of Nova Scotia Jamaica Limited

Civil Procedure - Applicatin to strike out - Order for specific disclosure - Non compliance with order - Unless order for filing of witness statements - Witness statements filed after date specified - Discrepancies between witness statements and witness summaries - Whether unless order complied with - Previous breaches of court orders - Whether striking out most appropriate sanction - Relevant considerations - Prejudice - Delay - Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) 2002, Rules 26.3 (1) (a); 28.1(4); 28.2; 28.4(1); 28.6; 28.7; 29.6(2); 29.7(2) and 29.7(3)

Simpson-Miller, The Hon. Mrs. ; Pickersgill, Robert et al v The Attorney General and the Director of Public Prosecutions

Constitutional law - Fundamental rights and freedoms - Mutual legal assistance in criminal matters - Request of foreign state for taking of evidence from witnesses in Jamaica - Witnesses refusing to co-operate – Application of central authority for order for witnesses to give evidence on oath - Order granted – Whether order an abuse of process – Whether order breached constitutional rights of witnesses - Right to equitable and humane treatment – Right to be free from discrimination on political grounds - Right to fair hearing – Right to due process - The Mutual Assistance (Criminal Matters)

Levy, George Anthony v The General Legal Council


Judicial review – Application for leave for judicial review filed out of time - Application to Extend time to apply for leave – Undue delay – Whether there is a decision for the Purposes of judicial review – Whether good reason exists for extension to be granted – Considerations for exercise of court’s discretion to extend time - CPR, 56.2; 56.6(1); 56.6 (2 ); 56.6 (3) 56.6(5).

Baker, Milton v The Commissioner of FINSAC Commissioner of Enquiry Warwick Bogle and The Commissioner of FINSAC Commission of Enquiry Charles Ross

 Judicial review - application for leave to apply for judicial review - Mandamus- Commission of enquiry - Commissioners failing to submit report on completion of enquiry - Legitimate expectation - Delay - Test to be applied for leave - Whether applicant satisfies the test for leave to be granted - The Civil Procedure Rules 2002 (the CPR), 56.2 (1); 56.2 (2); 56.3 (3); 56.6 (1); - The Commissions of Enquiry Act, ss. 2 ,5, 7, 10 & 13.

Pryce, Lorna Angela v Claude Alfanso Pryce



CLAIM NO. 2005HCV00670




Mrs. Althea McBean-Wisdom instructed by

Frater, Ennis & Gordon for the Claimant.

Mrs. Judith Cooper- Batchelor instructed by








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