LIVE STREAM: Swearing-in Ceremony for the Judges for the Michaelmas Term 2025


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgements and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.

The Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox Campbell

Walker, Danville v The Contractor General

Application for costs - Judicial review - Whether cost should be awarded against applicant - Cost granted in exceptional circumstances - Whether exceptional circumstances exist in present case.

Natural Resources Conservation Authority and the Attorney General of Jamaica v The Owners and Persons Interested in the Ship MV Noella # 7 Fishing Vessel

Admiralty - Negligent navigation - Fishing vessel grounded - Coral reef scarred - Living coral destroyed - Vessel in shipping lane - No pilot available - Regulatory framework for operation in Kingston harbour - Authority for operation - The absence of a pilot - The pilot (waiver of compulsory pilotage) 1981 - Special skill or competence, Bolam v Friern Hospital Committee 1975, 2 A.E.R 118 - Compensation - Costs for coral reef restoration and rehabilitation – Capital and operational costs of coral reefs - Benefit loss approach - Comparative costs.

Nicholas, Violet v Elliston, Wilbert

Original Wifi not found — Last seen in possession of testatrix — Was Will destroyed anlino revocandi — Whether the testatrix was of sound mind, memory and understanding — Onus on propounder to prove testatrix of sound mind. Will itself may determine the mental capacity of the dispositive mind — Onus on propounder to rebut presumption of Will destroyed animo revocandi.

Lawrence, Earline v Edwards, Dean

Land Law - Contract Law - Agreement for Sale - Registered Land - Joint Tenancy -
Intention to Create Legal Relations - Incomplete Sale Agreement - No Transfer of
Interest in Land - Resale of Land - Death of Vendor - Equitable Interest - Decree of
Specific Performance.


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