LIVE STREAM: Phillip Paulwell V Attorney General of Jamaica


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgments and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.


Stewart, Hon. Gordon ‘ Butch’ v Issa, John and Clough, Raymond

Application to strike out claim - Defamation - Libel - Legal profession privilege - Legal advice privilege - Litigation privilege - Whether legal porfessional privilege defence to defamation - Boundaries of legal professional privilege - Proportionality under the Civil Procedure Rules - Abuse of process.


Smith, Edmore v Cooper, George

Application to restore case to cause list - Rules 11.18 and 27.8 (4), (5) of the Civil Procedure Rules - Whetehr notice of orfer is same as service to the order.




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