LIVE STREAM: Swearing-in Ceremony for the Judges for the Michaelmas Term 2025


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgements and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.


Cable and Wireless Jamaica Limited v Sretlaw Media Company Limited

Application for summary judgment  - Contract - Flow Super Cup - Claim and
counterclaim - Defence that amounts collected were spent for the claimant’s
benefit - Whether real prospect of success - Counterclaim reliant on an oral
agreement - Whether real prospect of success.

Bennett, Desmond Clarence v Jamaica Public Service Co. Ltd., Donald Card and Clarence Bailey

Personal injury - Damage by over-passing electrical wires - Claimant working on un-approved building extension - Whether owner of vacant house ' occupier' - Principle of causation examined - proximate cause of injury - Whether Volenti decence available to defendant - Whether opinion evidence of non-expert of relevance - Non-delegable duty of care of independent contractor for inherently dangerous work - Proof of negligence when standards set by JBS nont contravened.

Woozencroft, Rudolph v Holiday Inn Jamaica Inc. and Holiday Inn Inc.

Application by claimant for relief from sanctions under CPR 26.8 whether conditions satisfied for court to grant relief - Whether the conditions of Rule 26.8 are to be read conjunctively - The exercise of the judge's discretion in the context of the over-riding objective.


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