LIVE STREAM: Call to the Bar Ceremony


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgements and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.


Palmer, Cavelle v Dayes, Mauvellette

Contempt of Court – Rule 53.10 - Whether Defendant served with Order bearing penal notice – Whether Defendant was present when injunctive order made - Whether Defendant in breach of order - Costs - Whether court’s displeasure with Defendant’s conduct may be reflected in an order for costs.

Kidd, Yenneke v Juici Beef Limited (T.A Juici Patties)

Civil Procedure - Application by Defendant to be removed as defendant in the claim and for a company not associated with the Defendant to be named as defendant instead – Can a Defendant remove itself from a claim and seek orders for an unrelated company to be named as the defendant instead - CPR 19.4(3) and CPR 20.4(2)

Newman, Atoya v Howell, Duwayne

Matrimonial Property - Property Rights of Spouses Act - Spouses acquired home as joint tenants prior to marriage - Application to vary equal share rule - Marriage of short duration - Considerations - Unavailability of commercial interest for sums paid towards mortgage by one party after date of separation.

Chen, Deborah v The University of the West Indies


Application  to strike out claimant's statement of case - University of the West Indies (UWI) Charter, Statutes and Ordinances - Appeal rejection of PH. D Thesis visitor's jurisdiction - Delay in exercising jurisdiction - Breach of constitutional right to a fair hearing within a reasonable time before an independent and impartial tribunal - Jurisdiction of Court to hear matters with visitor's jurisdiction - Availability or alternative remedy to claimant - Civil Procedure Rules Part 56.



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Strategic Plan for the Jamaican Judiciary 2024-2028