LIVE STREAM: Call to the Bar Ceremony


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgements and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.


Regina v Gordon, Andrea

Sentence: Plea – Guilty – Larceny as a servant (3 counts) – Breaches of Section 4(1) of the Cybercrimes Act (3) counts –Breaches of the Proceeds of Crimes Act (7) counts

Martin, Winston v Jamaica Redevelopment Foundation Inc. and Vaz, Dave Giardello

Injunctions - Interlocutory - Restraint on mortgagee’s power of sale - Whether there are serious questions to be tried - mortgagor denies executing restructured debt agreement - dispute as to applicable interest - concluded agreement for sale between mortgagee and third party - whether evidence capable of finding at trial of bad faith on part of mortgagee in entering into agreement - balance of convenience - Marbela principle exceptions.

Benbecula Limited v Palm Beach Runaway Bay Limited

The Notice of Application for an interim injunction was refused. Upon the delivery of an oral judgment counsel on behalf of the Applicant and the Respondent requested that the reasons be reduced to writing.

Bobb, Andrew v The Firearm Licensing Authority

Application for extension of time to obtain leave to seek Judicial Review – Revocation of Firearm User’s License by The Firearm Licensing Authority – No opportunity given to firearm licence holder to be heard – No response from the Review Board or the Minister of National Security to Applicant’s application for review – Application for leave to apply for Judicial Review

Chong, Guy v Chong, Winston

Application for recovery of possession – Request for indemnity – Procedure for bringing an action for indemnity – Manner in which proceedings for possession of lands should be instituted.

Duncan, Khia Josina v Steele, Stephen

Application for Interim Spousal Maintenance – Whether Threshold Finding can be made – Maintenance Act, 2005 Sections 6, 14(4) and 5(2) – No longer Cohabitating Partners



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Strategic Plan for the Jamaican Judiciary 2024-2028