LIVE STREAM: Phillip Paulwell V Attorney General of Jamaica


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Silent-Hyatt, Trudy-Ann v Marley, Rohan and Walters, Jason

Negligence – Motor vehicle accident – 1st Defendant’s Motor truck colliding in back of Claimant’s car – Vicarious liability - Contributory negligence
Damages – Assessment – Pain and suffering and loss of amenities – Pre-existing medical condition – Post traumatic stress disorder – Special damages.

Palmer, Cavelle v Dayes, Mauvelette2

Application by Defendant to prevent attorney at law acting for the Claimant – Attorney at law acted for husband and wife in purchase of property - Husband now deceased - Wife challenging husband’s will which gifts 60% of the property to Claimant – Attorney’s office drafted alleged will - Attorney acting for Claimant in her claim to an interest in the property-Claim relies on husband’s alleged promises and declarations as well as on the alleged will - Whether attorney possessed of confidential information.



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