LIVE STREAM: Swearing-in Ceremony for the Judges for the Michaelmas Term 2025


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgements and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.


Bratton Limited, First Caribbean International Bank (JA) Ltd v National Commercial Bank (Ja) Ltd, RBTT Bank Jamaica Ltd et al

Bills of Exchange - Cheque - Fraudulent Indorsement - Drawer issuing incomplete

crossed cheque - qheque completed by a person other than the named payee and

indorsed to thirq party - Whether payee "fictitious" - Bills of Exchange Act,

sections 7 and 8.

Banking - Effect of qrossing on cheque - Rights and responsibilities of paying bank -

Rights and responsil)ilities of collecting bank - Bills of Exchange Act, sections 60,80,

82 and 90.

Re Norbrook Heights

Land law - Restrictive covenant - Covenant preventing subdivision - Application for modify - Whether objectors entitled to the benefit of the covenant - Whether words used in the originating documents sufficient to annex the benefit to the land - Whether land affected by the covenant - Whether building scheme created - Unity of seisin - Land law - Restrictive Covenant - Covenant preventing subdivision Application to modify - Whether character of neighbourhood has changed - Whether objectors have acceded to the breach - Restrictive Covenants (Modification and Discharge) Act, section 3.

Bowes, Millicent v Keith Alexander Taylor

Property Dispute -parti+ unmarried - claim for half-interest on basis of the "equal share rule "-

whether a common law r'elationship existed between the parties- whether claimant a "spouse" for

the purposes of the rule +factors to be considered - whether property is the 'tfamily home "- The

Property (Rights of Spouges) Act, ss 2(1), 6(1) & 13



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