
A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgements and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.


Taylor, Jason v Wright, Leonard

Civil procedure – Claim form filed close to the expiration of limitation period – Application to extend the validity of the claim form filed within life of the claim form – Whether all reasonable steps taken to serve claim form – Whether it is appropriate to extend validity of the claim form after claim became time-barred – Rule 8.15(4) of the Civil Procedure Rules – Considerations for the Court.

Henry, Erraldo v Clarke, Alphanso and Taylor, Samuel

Civil Procedure – Application by insurance company to set aside order for service by a specified method and application to set default judgment aside –Unsigned and unsealed copy of Court order served with the claim form – Sealed copy of Order served after the expiration of the six months’ extension permitted by Rule 8.15(2) of the Civil Procedure Rules – Order appearing to extend the validity of the claim form for a period longer than six months – What is required in making an application for a second extension – Whether default judgment irregularly obtained – Rule 13.2 of the Civil Procedu

Watson, Berisford v Brown, Judith

Civil procedure – Application to extend the validity of the claim form and application for an order for service by a specified method – Whether multiple extensions might be granted on hearing one application to extend the validity of the claim form – Rule 8.15(2) of the Civil Procedure Rules.



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Emergency Matters

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Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan for the Jamaican Judiciary 2024-2028