
A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgements and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.


Nunes, Aspinal Wayne v Jamaica Redevelopment Foundation Inc.

Practice and Procedure – Injunction - Application for injunction to restrain Mortgagee’s exercise of its power of sale contained in a mortgage - Whether Mortgagee may be restrained - Whether damages is an adequate remedy-Section 106 of The Registration of Titles Act - Limitation of Actions Act - Evidence – Use of without prejudice communication.

The Proprietors Strata Plan No. 305 v Greater Works International Fellowship and Young, Anthony and Joy

Real porperty - Strata title - By-Laws restricting user to office or shops - Whether church operation in the mall has resulted in unreasonable interference with use and enjoyment of common areas by other proprietors - Complaints that church causing noise and other nuisance - Continuing breach of covenant using shops as a church - Continuing disputes over parking spaces and noise - Strata run by corporation - Whether there was acquiescence to the breaches by the executive management committee - Whether complaint now deprived of right to enforce the by-laws - Whetehr injunctive relief unjust

Taylor, Lenoria v Hojapi Limited

Civil Procedure - Application to strike out statement of case - Whether application can be treated as summary judgment application



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Emergency Matters

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Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan for the Jamaican Judiciary 2024-2028