LIVE STREAM: Swearing-in Ceremony for the Judges for the Michaelmas Term 2025


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgements and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.


Drummond Althea, Hammond, Catalina

Trespass to land and chattels – Tenant subletting to another – Tenant vacating property

and delivering possession to landlord – Landlord clearing property – Whether trespass to

sub-tenant’s chattels therein

Director Of Public Prosecutions v Mendez, Roxroy

Pecuniary Penalty Order - The Drugs Offences (Forfeiture of Proceeds Act, 1994 - Offenders Benefit Obtained - Assessment of Benefit Obtained – Realisable Benefit - Section 17(2), "the lesser sum"- Constitutionality of Confiscatory Orders.

Dayes, Verma v The Ritz Carlton Hotel

Interim payment - Whether Supreme Court has power to grant interim payment under the civil procedure rules 2002 - Whether power abolished and not reenacted - Section 4 (2) (j) of the judicature (Rules of the court0 Act - part 17 of the civil procedure code

Darien Investments LTD v National Commercial Bank Jamaica LTD

Civil Procedure - Application for injunction – Application to prevent mortgagee

from exercising powers of sale contained in a mortgage – Mortgage granted to

secure guarantee – Mortgagor alleging no longer bound by guarantee - Whether

damages are an adequate remedy - Whether mortgagee should be restrained

Coke, Michael v The Attorney General Of Jamaica

Interception of Communications – Warrant issued for interception -

Application to unseal application for warrant – Information used in the

application required for preparation of defence in criminal prosecution –

Information otherwise available - Principles governing consideration of the

application – Constitution of Jamaica s. 16 (6) - Interception of

Communication Act ss. 3, 4, 5, 14 and 17








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