LIVE STREAM: Annual Assize Service 2024


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgements and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.


DYC Fishing Limited v The Owners of MV Devin and MV Brice


Admiralty – Contract for harvesting conch – Advance said to have been given to outfit harvesting vessel – Contract said breached by harvester – Claim for damages for breach of contract - Claim brought in rem – Vessel arrested - Whether claim to be in rem or in personam – CPR rr. 70.2, 70.7

Bent, Linel v Eleanor Evans

Land Dispute- registered land- application to bring land under the Registration of Titles

Act- allegation of fraud- meaning offiaud under the Registration of Titles Act -whether

title obtained by fraud- standard of proof required -whether title to be cancelled on

grounds of fraud- The Registration of Titles Act, ss. 42,68,70,161 (d), 153 &I58

Request for adjournment- considerations for grant of an adjournment- no good reason

shown - Civil Procedure Rules (CPR), r.39.7

Jackson,George, Jackson, Andrew v Attorney General et al

Application for Declaratory Relief; Whether jurisdiction lies;

Whether discretion should be exercised to grant declaration;

Principles applicable to decision to grant declaration; CPR Rule

8.6. Doctrine of Executive Necessity - whether applicable.

Jackson, Keith Ian v Ruby Ann Jackson

Husband and Wife - Ascertaining interest of the parties in former matrimonial

home - Intention at the time of acquisition -Wife not contrib~~tintog the cost of

acquisition - Whether a~reemenmt ade concerning the beneficial interest


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