LIVE STREAM: Swearing-in Ceremony for the Judges for the Michaelmas Term 2025


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgements and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.

The Hon. Mrs. Andrea Pettigrew-Collins

Foote, Don v Reid, Icolyn and Attorney General

Application for leave for leave to apply for Judicial Review of decision of a Parish
Judge – Whether the Attorney General is a proper party - Jurisdiction to issue
bench warrant - Whether matter in relation to which leave is sought is moot –
Whether there is an alternative remedy.

Markland, Claudette v Nembhard, Richard and Akeem Nembhard et al

Land - Limitation of Actions Act - Whether defendant acquired right to possessory
title - Initial possession by virtue of family arrangement - Whether claimant entitled
to declaration that she is beneficiary and part owner of property - Claimant’s
entitlement a chose in action.

Dennis, Jane v Dennis, Phill

Property Rights of Spouses Act - application for extension of time to file claim –
factors to be considered - Limitation of Actions Act.

Duncanson, Paul v Sharpe, Derrick and Marva Sharpe

Whether will a forgery – Whether signature appearing on document purporting to
be last will and testament that of deceased – Expert evidence - Evidence of
individual allegedly present when purported will was executed.








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