LIVE STREAM: Swearing-in Ceremony for the Judges for the Michaelmas Term 2025


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgements and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.


Davidson, Damion v The Commissioner of Police

Judicial Review - Re-enlistment of police officer – Officer fails to respond to
notice of non-recommendation before period of enlistment expires – Officer
removed from Force – Officer not considered dismissed – Reinstatement not
Application re-enlistment – Legitimate expectations – Jamaica Constabulary
Force Act, Police Services Regulations, – Book of Rules for the Guidance and
General Direction of the Jamaica Constabulary Force

Brown, Odel v Treasure, Maple

Proprietary estoppel - House built on land with consent - Intention of the
parties - Extent of equitable interest - Determine proportionality between
expectation and detriment, unconscionability test - Building Act, 2018.

Re Lot 1290 Green Pond, St. James

Restrictive Covenant – Part 26 Civil Procedure Rule- Rule 26.1(v) – Notice to Parties
of the Court’s intention to make orders of its own volition at a hearing – Breach
specific modification – Inordinate delay – Explanation of delay – The question of

Re. Lot No. 188 Pembroke Hall, St. Andrew

Restrictive Covenant – Part 26 Civil Procedure Rule- Rule 26.1(v) – Notice to Parties of the Court’s intention to make orders of its own volition at a hearing – Breach - Specific modification - Inordinate delay - Explanation of delay - The question of prejudice








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