LIVE STREAM: Swearing-in Ceremony for the Judges for the Michaelmas Term 2025


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgements and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.


First Global Bank Limited v Rose, Rohan

Civil procedure - Enforcement of money Judgment - Application for provisional attachment of debt order and provisional charging order to be made final - Application to discharge or vary provisional order.


Eubanks, Michael v Christie, Paul

Civil Procedure - Application to set aside default judgment - Rules 13.2 - Rule 13.3 Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) 2002 as Amended 2006 - Test to be applied - Real prospect of success - Whether judgement should be set aside as of right - Overriding objective.

Keane, Richard and Keane, Karene v Vendryes, Dorothy

Purported application to challenge jurisdiction of court Default judgment entered as application did not state on its face that rule 9.6 application - Nor did it seek a declaration; whether application in fact one challenging the court’s jurisdiction - Whether default judgment irregularly entered.

Clarke, Selma v Clarke, Edward

Matrimonial Property- Property Rights of Spouses Act ss 2, 6, 7, 9,13,14 - Entitlement to family Home - The Equal Share Rule - Whether application of the Rule Unjust - Burden of proof - One party acquiring land on which family home is built before the relationship or marriage - whether section 7 (PROSA) factor exists to rebut the equal share rule.

Pitterson, Kamaal v The Attorney General of Jamaica

Damages – Assessment - Gunshot wound to leg necessitating amputation – Loss two fingers on dominant right hand - Pain and Suffering and Loss of amenities - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - applicability of multiplier/multiplicand approach to replacement cost of prosthesis and for loss of earning capacity








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