Walker, Orville et al v Lawrence, George et al IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE OF JAMAICA CLAIM NO C. L. 1998lW-101 1 BETWEEN ORVILLE FITZROY WALKER 1 ST CLAIMANT A N D ORVILLE FITZROY WALKER & MERLE YVONNE SHAW (Executors of the Will of Newton Eric Walker) 2NDC LAIMANT A N D GEORGE LAWRENCE 1 ST DEFENDANT A N D GERDA LAWRENCE 2ND DEFENDANT Garth McBean and Courtney Bailey for Claimants instructed by DunnCox Michael Thomas for 1'' Defendant instructed by Huntley Martin
Wright Ian, Robert Ax ford and Micheal Lackey v Workers Savings and Loan Bank IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE OF JAMAICA I IN CIVIL DIVISION SUIT NO. W 15711995 BETWEEN Ian Wright, Robert Ax ford and Michael Lackey, In their capacity as the Official Liquidators of Bank of Credit and Commerce I~ternational (Overseas) Ltd. CLAIMANT AND Workers Savings and Loan Bank DEFENDANT Dennis Morrison, Q.C. and Jennifer Scott, instructed by Clinton Hart & Co. for Claimant. Mrs. Sandra Minott-Phillips, Michael Pilling and Errol Campbell for Workers Savings & Loan Bank.
Wilson, Sonia v Muffler Specialists Limited IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE OF J&AICA CLAlM NO. CLW 36211994 1 BETWEEN SONIA WILSON AND MUFFLER SPECIALISTS LIM~TED Mrs. Sharon Morgan-Grindley instructed by Mr. Alton *organ & Company for the Claimant Mr. Garth McBean instructed by McBean & Company fbr the Defendant Heard: February 27 and 28,2006 and March 17,2006 Straw J (Ag.) , CLAIMANT DEFENDANT On October 6, 1993, the claimant, Ms. Sonia Wilson was injured while on the premises of the defendant, Muffler Specialists Limited.
Williams, Richard v Prendergast, Garfield IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE OF JAMAICA CLAIM NO. HCV 241912005 i BETWEEN RICHARD WILLIAMS CLAIMANT 1 A N D GARFIELD PRENDERGAST DEFENDANT 1 Mr. Sheldon Codner instructed by Kinghorn & Kinghorn for the Claimant. , . . , , . .. .,.. ._ .. ._. __- I..i.._... I".^ .. ll-.l..-.. "--..1- C) The Defendants unrepresented not appearing !
Williams, Kevin and Elvis Goode v Board of Management of the College of Agriculture, Science and Education IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE OF JAMAICA CLAIM NO. 2005 HCV 3 142 In the matter of the Education Act 1965 AND In the matter of the Education Regulations 1980 AND In the matter of the College of Agriculture, Science & Education Scheme Order 1995 AND I In the matter of part 56 of I the Civil Procedure Rules I 2002 AND In the matter of the Student Council of the College of Agriculture, Science & Education
Williams, Marvette & Williams, Marvalee v Williams, Gladstone & Williams, Erick IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE OF JAMAICA IN COMMON LAW CLAIM NO. W-129 of 2001 BETWEEN MARVETTE WILLIAMS (An infant suing by next friend lSCt LAIMANT and mother Marvalee Williams) AND MARVALEE WILLIAMS 2nd CLAIMANT AND GLADSTONE WILLIAMS lSTD EFENDANT -.,-.....--.. .. .--- ".""" - "*. ... " ....* ..,... . .... " ".-.<. . .. ..-.-." .,..> * *--. ..-,-.-,..o...,..,..---A . LLIAMS 2ND DEFENDANT Mrs. Althea McBean-Wisdom and Miss Latoya Stephenson
William-Prescod, Carrol v Prescod, Gregory IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE OF JAMAICA CLAIM NO. HCV 5580 OF 2005 IN THE MAlTER OF SECTION 10 OF THE MATRIMONIAL CAUSES ACT, 1989 BETWEEN CARROL AMELIA WILLIAMS-PRESCOD CLAIMANT C AND GREGORY CYRUS PRESCOD DEFENDANT I N CHAMBERS Miss Daniella Gentles instructed by Mrs. Suzanne Risden-Foster of Livingston, Alexander and Levy for the applicant No appearance for defendant and defendant absent JANUARY 23 AND 26,2006 EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR INJUNCTION ORDER UNDER SECTION 10 OF
White, Paul v Grant, Homel and Daley, Carlos IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE OF JAMAICA IN CIVIL DIVISION SUIT NO. C.L. 1993 1 W 127 BETWEEN PAUL WHITE CLAIMANT A N D HOMEL GRANT 1 ST DEFENDANT A N D CARLOS DALEY 2ND DEFENDANT (- Mr. Christopher Samuda instructed by Piper and Samuda for Plaintiff. Mr. Christopher Dunkley instructed by Cowan Dunkley Cowan for Defendants. PRACTICE AND PROCEDUREAPPLICATION FOR RELIEF FROM SANCTIONSJUDGMENT
Western Broadcasting Services Limited v. 204 of the Companies Act IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE OF CLAIM NO 2005 HCV 0 1 132 IN THE MATTER OF WESTERN BROADCASTING SERVICES LIMITED. AND IN THE MATTER OF SECTION 204 (A) OF THE COMPANIES ACT Mr. Emil George Q.C. and Miss Stacy-Ann Smith instructed by DunnCox for Mr. Edward Seaga. Mr. Charles Piper instructed by Messrs Piper and Samuda for Western Broadcasting Services Limited. APPLICATION TO DISMISS PETITION Heard: 9TH & 17" January 2006 BROOKS, J.
Weir, Delvina v Weir, Elisha IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE OF JAMAICA IN HIGH COURT CIVIL DIVISION CLAM NO. f-ICV-22 12 OF 2004 BETWEEN AND DELVINA WEIR ELISHA WEIR CLAIMANT DEFENDANT HEARD: April 3, October 26 2006. Mr. Gordon Steer instructed by Chambers Bunny & Steer for the C'i Claimant. Mrs. Janet Taylor instructed by Taylor Deacon & James for the Defendant. Mangatal J: