LIVE STREAM: Swearing-in Ceremony for the Judges for the Michaelmas Term 2025


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgements and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.

The Hon. Mr. Justice Patrick Brooks

Campbell, David v Anderson, Norma, Campbell Marlene et al

Land - Joint Tenancy - Severance registered on Certificate of Title - One co-owner

dying subsequently - Deceased alleged to have secured the severance by fraud -

Nature of evidence required to prove fraud - Whether deceased secured possessory

title against otber co-owner

Toby, Dr. Leslie v Hinchcliffe, A. H. and Manpower and Maintenance Services Limited

Practice and procedure - Application for relief from sanctions - Claimant's statement of case struck out because of failure to obey orders made at case management conference - Application filed three years after act of striking out - Claimant's attorney-at-law blamed for delay - Attorney-at-law now dead - Whether application made promptly - Whether general compliance with other orders - CPR RULE 26.8

Scott, Granville v Scott-Robinson, Yvonne Adocia

Trust - Father purchasing realty in joint names of adult daughter and himself - Daughter not contributing to the cost of acquisition - Whether resulting trust arising - Whether irrevocable gift to daughter - Whether presumption of advancement rebutted - Whether joint tenancy may be severed by father.

Rowe-Anderson, Barbara v Mohini Enterprises Ltd and Lachmandas, Raju

Negligence - Occupier's liability - Customer of store slipping and falling - Store on different levels - Levels joined by small ramp - Whether ramp the cause of the fall - Whether ramp dangerous - Damages - Personal injury - Claimant falling with legs in a 'split' - Severe lower back pain - Chronic myofascial pain resulting from trauma - 10% whole person disability.


Reid- Campbell, Veronica v Campbell, Rosvelt

Husband and wife - Claim for declaration of interest pursuant to the Property (Rights of Spouses) Act - Parties separated prior to the promulgation of the Act - Attempt of reconciliation just prior to promulgation - Whether court has jurisdiction to hear claim - Whether time begins to run when when attempt fails - Property (Rights of Spouses) Act ss. 11 and 13. 

Wright, Hazel v The Attorney General

Attorney-at-law - Application for attorney-at-law to pay interest on settlement sum – Delay in attorney-at-law making payment of settlement sum - Attorney-at-law awaiting an order of the court to pay over settlement sum – Whether interest payable by attorney-at-law – Legal Profession (Accounts and Records ) Regulations; regs. 8 and 9.

Jamaican Redevelopment Foundation Inc v Anthony Everald Ferguson

Mortgage – Equitable mortgage - Loan made to registered proprietor of land – Agreement

for land to be security for loan – Proprietor depositing certificate of title in pursuance of

agreement – No instrument of mortgage executed – Whether equitable mortgage in place –

Enforcement of equitable rights – Registration of Titles Act, section 103 - Conveyancing

Act, section 28 (2) – Judicature (Supreme Court) Act, section 48








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