LIVE STREAM: Phillip Paulwell V Attorney General of Jamaica


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The Hon. Mr. Justice Patrick Brooks

Re Norbrook Heights

Land law - Restrictive covenant - Covenant preventing subdivision - Application for modify - Whether objectors entitled to the benefit of the covenant - Whether words used in the originating documents sufficient to annex the benefit to the land - Whether land affected by the covenant - Whether building scheme created - Unity of seisin - Land law - Restrictive Covenant - Covenant preventing subdivision Application to modify - Whether character of neighbourhood has changed - Whether objectors have acceded to the breach - Restrictive Covenants (Modification and Discharge) Act, section 3.

Archibald, Roger v The Council of Legal Education

Education Student awarded a failing grade - Whether grade unreasonable -

Whether court entitled to, or should intervene to change the grade

Judicial Review - Natural Justice - Student appealing to governing tribunal

contesting a grade awarded to him by law school - Whether tribunal obliged to give

an opportunity to the student to respond to the law school's reply to the appeal

Practice and Procedure - whether document exhibited to an affidavit of the

Claimant may be treated as expert evidence

13 Norbrook Crescent

Land Law - Restrictive Covenant – Covenant preventing subdivision -

Application to modify – Whether objectors entitled to the benefit of the

Covenant – Whether words used in the originating document sufficient to

annex the benefit to the land – Whether land affected by the covenant -

Whether building scheme created – Unity of seisin

Land Law - Restrictive Covenant – Covenant preventing subdivision -

Jackson, Keith Ian v Ruby Ann Jackson

Husband and Wife - Ascertaining interest of the parties in former matrimonial

home - Intention at the time of acquisition -Wife not contrib~~tintog the cost of

acquisition - Whether a~reemenmt ade concerning the beneficial interest

International Asset Services Ltd v Edgar Watson

Civil Procedure - Application to strike out claim as being statute barred - Claim for

recoverv of credit card debt - Whether limitation period has run -Whether obvious

on the face of the claim - meaning of "writing obligatory" - whether anv reasonable

ground for bringing the action - Limitation of Actions Act, section 52 - Limitation

Forbes, Millicent, v The Director of Public Prosecutions

Civil Procedure - Judicial Review - Claim filed pursuant to leave to apply being

granted - Application to strike out claim -Whether application may be granted -

Whether leave to apply may be set aside -

Civil Procedure - Judicial Review - Exercise of discretion by Director of Public

Prosecutions - Whether clear that discretion properly exercised

Maragh, Gloria v Maragh, Eric

Maintenance of wife - Application for - Wife preveated from engaging in continuous employment during the marrigage - Whether a consideration for maintenance award - Whether previous receipt of a lump sum from a division of matrimonial property should affect award - Section 5(2) and 14(4) of the Maintenance Act 2005.

Clarke, William v The Bank Of Nova Scotia Jamaica limited etal

Civil Practice - Pre-Claim Applicatiion for discovery - Whether Court has the

jurisdiction to grant - Whether party required to disclose may claim privilege that

disclosure may incriminate them - Principles guiding court- CPR rr. 8.1, 11.12, 17.1,

17.2,2!5.1, 27.9,28.6



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