LIVE STREAM: Swearing-in Ceremony for the Judges for the Michaelmas Term 2025


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgements and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.

The Hon. Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes

Stewart, Hon. Gordon ‘ Butch’ v Issa, John and Clough, Raymond

Application to strike out claim - Defamation - Libel - Legal profession privilege - Legal advice privilege - Litigation privilege - Whether legal porfessional privilege defence to defamation - Boundaries of legal professional privilege - Proportionality under the Civil Procedure Rules - Abuse of process.


Smith, Edmore v Cooper, George

Application to restore case to cause list - Rules 11.18 and 27.8 (4), (5) of the Civil Procedure Rules - Whetehr notice of orfer is same as service to the order.


Regina v Industrial Disputes Tribunal (Ex parte J. Wray and Nephew Limited)

Application for leave to apply for judicial review - Whether union can be heard at leave stage - Test for leave to apply for judicial review - Civil Procedure Rules Part 10 - Part 56 - Rules 1.1(1), 1.2, 2.2, 2.2(1), 2 and 3, 56.3, 56.3(1), 56.3(2), 56.3(3), 56.4(4), 56.4(1), 56.4(1), 56.4(2), 56.4(3), 56.4(3)(a), 56.4(8), 56.11(5), 56.12, 56.13(2)(c), 56.15 - Labour Relations and Industrial Disputes Act, S. 12(4)(c), 12(5)(C)(I) - Section 3(3) of the Employment (Termination and Redundancy Payments) Act








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