LIVE STREAM: Swearing-in Ceremony for the Judges for the Michaelmas Term 2025


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Grant, Jamar v Lee, Angela and Kirk Lee(1)

Case Number: 
2016 HCV 03614
Neutral Citation: 
[2022] JMSC Civ 186
Date of Delivery: 

Civil Procedure – Interlocutory application to strike out impugned paragraphs contained in specific affidavits – Relevance – Whether the evidence contained in those affidavits is relevant – Admissibility – Admissibility of evidence contained in specific affidavits – Whether the statements contained in the affidavits are scandalous – Whether the statements contained in the affidavits are irrelevant or otherwise oppressive rendering them inadmissible – Whether the statements contained in specific affidavits if allowed to remain would impede the just disposition of the matter – Whether the prejudicial effect of the statements contained in specific affidavits outweigh their probative value – Civil Procedure Rules, 2002, rules 17.5(5), 17.6, 29.1(1), 29.1(2), 30.3(1) and 30.3(3)







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