LIVE STREAM: Swearing-in Ceremony for the Judges for the Michaelmas Term 2025


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgements and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.

Frequently Asked Questions

Pursuant to Section 35 of the Jury Act, in a civil trial, each person who serves as a juror (a) shall be paid for each day or part of a day that the trial lasts, such sum as the Minister may, by regulations prescribe; and (b) shall be entitled to be paid, in respect of his travelling to and from the place to which he is summoned, such sum as the Minister may, by regulations published in the - Gazette, prescribe. In all civil cases, the payments allowed as aforesaid, shall be provided by the party on whose application the jury has been obtained, and paid to the Clerk of the Court on each day before the case proceeds, and shall be paid by him to each juror on the last day for which his attendance is required. Pursuant to Section 37 of the Jury Act, in all criminal cases, each person who serves as a juror: - (a) shall be paid for each day or part of a day that the trial lasts, such sum as the Minister may by regulations prescribe; and (b) shall be entitled to be paid, in respect of his travelling to and from the place to which he is summoned, such sum as the Minister may, by regulations published in the Gazette, prescribe.
When posting bail for someone, one must ensure that the amount of bail is clear because this will determine whether a person will be suitable to be a surety.  Bail in the sum of Fifty thousand dollars or less is required to produce: - (a)  two (2) passport sized photographs that must not be taken more than six months prior; (b)  Proclamations, Rules and Regulations, Form 2 pursuant to Section 17 (3) of the Bail Act; (c)   Statutory Declaration to be made by a Surety or Sureties, pursuant to Section 17 of the Bail Act; (d)   A valid identification card, which may be a Drivers Licence, an Elector Registration Card or a passport; and (e)   proof of address; For Bail over the sum of Fifty thousand dollars the surety would require all the above requirements listed from a-e in addition to proof that the person has collateral to post bail.  This collateral may be in the form of Land, Motor Vehicle or Cash.
A verbal notice of appeal maybe given either during the sitting of the Court at which the judgment is delivered or within fourteen (14) days from the delivery of such judgment given a written notice of his intention to appeal, to the Clerk of the Court of the parish.
Subject to rule 4.2 of the Court of Appeal Rules, in the notice of appeal the appellant must give details of: - (a)   the decision or part of the decision which is being appealed identifying so far as practicable- (i)    any finding of fact; and (ii)   any finding of law, which the appellant seeks to challenge; (b)   the grounds of appeal
Any person interested in making an application to the Court for a Spirit Licence may attend the court's office and ask for a Form N0: 68 and 2088 and complete same.  Payments must also be made to the Inland Revenue Department.  These forms are not difficult to understand.  The Form No: 68 should be left at the Police Station after completion while Form No: 2088 is submitted to the court's office along with the original receipt obtained from the Inland Revenue Department. These application forms are also available on the Ministry of Justice website.
A law student interested in sitting in on a matter in the court may approach the Court Administrator or Clerk of the Court and express this interest. Communication will then be made with the Parish who will look into the matter. 
In the event that an offender has misplaced his traffic ticket, he may go to the police station and speak to someone in the traffic department.  If the particulars on the ticket are correct the information on the misplaced ticket can be regenerated by the production of the offender’s driver’s license.
If an individual is unable to attend court, someone can be asked to represent him or her on the given date.  If this is not possible a message can be sent to the court's office outlining the difficulties faced.  If it is a medical reason a medical certificate must be submitted to the Court.
If a paid ticket is still on the TTMS as being unresolved then the offender should attend the court's office and speak with the traffic clerk.
If a parent dies without leaving a Will an application can be made to the court for Letters of Administration.  The interested party may need assistance from an Attorneys-at-law to file the requisite documents needed.








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