LIVE STREAM: Swearing-in Ceremony for the Judges for the Michaelmas Term 2025


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgements and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.

Frequently Asked Questions

Provisions are made pursuant to the Parish Court Act for warrants to be sent from one court to another to be executed in the case of civil matters.  As it relates to criminal cases arrangements are made by the police to facilitate the execution of warrants between parishes based on intelligence.
If a Parish Court Bailiff has refused to serve a summons or execute a warrant a report may be made to the Snr. Parish Court Judge who will act accordingly.
In the case of a Warrant of Possession in a civil matter, this has a lifetime of six months, while a Warrant of Commitment expires one year after it has been issued.  A Bench Warrant, Warrant Disobedience of Summons and Warrants on Information has no time limit for execution. A plaintiff may apply to the court for an extension of time for a Warrant of Possession to be executed, while after the expiration of one year on a Warrant of Commitment a further application will have to be made for a Commitment or Judgment Summons.
If the Court date is near and the summons is not served said summons may be returned to the court's officer for a re-issue date.
In the instance where a child was not registered in the name of his or her biological father then an application would have to be made to the Court for a Declaration of Paternity for the biological to be declared the father, based on DNA testing, and further that the biological father's particulars to be added to the child's birth certificate.
The Courts are now engaged in online banking, as such applicants are asked to submit their banking information to enable swift transfer of payments to their accounts.  The Court's Maintenance account is with the National Commercial Bank, therefore, persons who have accounts with this said entity may be able to receive payments on the same day of payment or the following day.  In the case of persons from other banks payments may be made out up to five (5) working days after it has been received by the court's office.
Payments cannot be made on an account that exists in another parish, however, arrangements can be made for moneys to be sent via post or money orders.
If a warrant has been issued for outstanding sums and the full amount is not being paid, the respondent may be arrested and brought before the Court for the full amount outstanding.
In the event that a litigant has missed a court date a Bench Warrant or Warrant of Disobedience of Summons may be issued.  The execution of these warrants may also be stayed and further stayed based on the particular circumstances.  While it may be inevitable that dates are missed it is common courtesy to advise the Court of any difficulty in attending court on a given date and request a further date.
In instances where a person is sick and cannot attend Court an email can be sent to the Parish Court and a medical certificate later produced substantiating this claim. Someone may also provide the Court with the medical certificate informing of the illness.








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