LIVE STREAM: Swearing-in Ceremony for the Judges for the Michaelmas Term 2025


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgements and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.

Lindo, Sylvester George and Lindo, Lemuel Augustus v Brown, Angella

Case Number: 
2018 HCV 03486
Neutral Citation: 
[2019] JMSC Civ 153
Date of Delivery: 

Civil Procedure – Claimant’s action for recovery of possession of land pursuant to 8.1(4)(b) - Defendant’s application for court order to consolidate claims pursuant to Rule 26.2 of Civil Procedure Rule – Whether there are common issues of fact and law – Registrar of Title to produce documents pursuant to Section 42 ROTA – Whether title of claimant was obtained by the fraud - Injunction against trespass – –– Whether dispute may continue on the Fixed Date Claim Form.







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