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Downer, Richard Lindsay v Erica Anne Downer
CLAIM NO. E 400 of 2002
Derrek Jones and Maliaca Wong instructed by Myers Fletcher and Gordon for the applicant.
Pamela Benka-Coker, Q.C. instructed by Debra E. McDonald for the Respondent.
Heard isth, 16th,1 7 'a~n d isth July 2003,5'h, btha nd 7th~ ovember20 03. 1 6 '~a nuarv2 004, C': ,I 5th~ p r i2l0 04, 17'~i,s th, 19'~2,o tha nd 21StM av 2004,14'~,i sth and 1 6 'J~U N 20044,12th
January 2005, lStF ebruary 2005 and 24'h May 2007
Campbell, J.
(1) The court has oftentimes bemoaned the paucity of documentary evidence to support or
rebut applications for division of matrimonial property and maintenance, the two issues with
which the Court is here confronted. No such complaint can properly be made in this case, the
court had the benefit of the evidence of chartered accountants, the parties joint income tax
returns for several relevant years, a plethora of exhibits, consisting of mortgage statements, bank
statements, drawings, account statement, property transfers, rental receipts, security deposits and
lease agreements. The parties were cross-examined exhaustively at the hearings which took
place over a period of 25 days.
(2) The parties were married on 7Ih ~ ~ r19i79l. The marriage lasted for 22 years. There is one
child of the marriage who is now an adult. For both of them this was a second marriage. Each
had two children from the previous marriage. The husband is a Chartered Accountant, and a C;' partner with PricewaterhouseCoopers (Pricewaterhouse). The wife is an interior designer and a
(3) In 2002 the wife presented a petition for the dissolution of the marriage and applied under
the Matrimonial Causes Act sections 20 (2) and 25 for maintenance. Previously, the wife had
applied under the Maintenance Act and had been met by the husband's preliminary point
alleging her adultery or that the husband reasonably believed that she had committed adultery.
(4) The husband now seeks certain declarations and orders by way of Originating Summons
dated the 4Ih July 2002, under the Matrimonial Causes Act. All the properties stated in the
summons are,registered in the name of the wife. The husband is therefore claiming a beneficial
interest in these properties.
The properties were: