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Adjudah, Silvera v Ministry of Justice, Delroy Chuck-Minister of Justice and Andrew Holness - Prime Minister of Jamaica
Civil Procedure - CPR 26.3(1) (b) and (c) - Application to strike out statement of case - Whether claim which alleges that the failure of public functionaries to accede to an entreaty to re-examine and amend the Limitation of Actions Act discloses a reasonable ground for bringing a claim in negligence or a claim for breach of the constitutional rights to life, equality before the law and to equitable and humane treatment by a public authority in exercise of any function - Whether such a claim commenced by claim form is an abuse of the process of the court.
Application for Default Judgment - Part 12 CPR - Whether default judgment can be entered for failure to serve Acknowledgment of Service and to file defence and serve defence in the face of an application to strike out claim or alternatively for an extension of time to file defence.