LIVE STREAM: Phillip Paulwell V Attorney General of Jamaica


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Barnett, Morris Milton v Guyah, Omar Tyrone

Fraudulent misrepresentation - Representation that defendant was a lawyer – concealment of the nature of document for execution. Counterclaim for malicious prosecution of civil proceedings – False imprisonment – Unlawful search – Defamation – Psychological distress.

Francis, Jermaine v Barnes, Barrington

Assessment of damages -  Multiple deep lacerations - Multiple fractures to the
right upper and right lower limbs – Superficial peroneal nerve injury – 23% upper
extremity impairment – 8% lower extremity impairment - 31% whole person

Chas E. Ramson Limited v The Commissioner of Customs

Revenue Law - Customs Tariff (Revision) (Amendment) Resolution 2007 - Interpretation - Tariff Heading 04.01 and 04.02 - Meaning of “Cream” - Meaning of “concentrated” and “not concentrated” - Whether Elle & Vire whipping and cooking creams imported by the Appellant are “creams, concentrated” within the meaning of Tariff Heading 04.02.



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