LIVE STREAM: Swearing-in Ceremony for the Judges for the Michaelmas Term 2025


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgements and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.

The Hon. Miss Justice Carole Barnaby

Artwell, Danesha v Advantage General Insurance Company Limited Consolidated with Reid, Kavin v Advantage General Insurance Co. Ltd and Administrator General of Jamaica

Civil Procedure - CPR 11.6 - CPR 20.4 - CPR 26.1(2)(v) – oral application to amend relief being sought on the Fixed Date Claim Forms being made at the hearing of the claims.
Civil Procedure - CPR 21.7 - CPR 21.8 - interpretation - whether rules applicable in the Parish Courts - court’s jurisdiction to appoint representative party or give directions to continue proceedings initiated in the Parish Court.
Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act - section 2(1) - section 2(3) - limitation period - subsistence of actions in tort against estate of deceased.

Rutair Limited v Jamaica Civil Aviation Authority and Minister of Transport and Mining

Judicial Review - Certiorari - Section 5C Civil Aviation Act - whether the Civil Aviation Authority and Minister acted reasonably and within the bounds of their discretion in appointing an Investigator-in-charge of an aviation occurrence when allegations of bias were made against the Investigator-in-charge by the affected airline operator - Whether the appointment of the Investigator-in-charge was tainted by procedural impropriety on the ground that allegations of bias raised with the Civil Aviation Authority were not brought to the attention of Minister.

Adjudah, Silvera v Ministry of Justice, Delroy Chuck-Minister of Justice and Andrew Holness - Prime Minister of Jamaica

Civil Procedure - CPR 26.3(1) (b) and (c) - Application to strike out statement of case - Whether claim which alleges that the failure of public functionaries to accede to an entreaty to re-examine and amend the Limitation of Actions Act discloses a reasonable ground for bringing a claim in negligence or a claim for breach of the constitutional rights to life, equality before the law and to equitable and humane treatment by a public authority in exercise of any function - Whether such a claim commenced by claim form is an abuse of the process of the court.

Chung, Gregory v The Commissioner General (Tax Administration Jamaica)

General Consumption Tax Act - Whether notice of objection determined pursuant to section 40(3) is a decision relating to an assessment and therefore subject to the appellate procedure at section 41 - Whether leave is required to appeal decision made in accordance with section 40(3) and for which the Revenue Appeals Division declined jurisdiction on an appeal filed to it - Considerations for applications to extend time to appeal to the Revenue Court.

Housen, Maurice v The Attorney General of Jamaica and The Commissioner of Police for Jamaica

Constitutional Law - Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms - Section 16 - - Right to due process - Prohibition against retrospective application of more severe penalties.
Whether fixed penalty imposed by null and void ministerial order and upon fixed penalty notice issued pursuant to section 116 of the Road Traffic Act 1938 in excess of fixed penalty prescribed by the Act constitutes a breach of the right to due process enshrined in section 16(11) of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms.

SKDP Haulage & Distribution Limited v Commissioner of Customs

Revenue Law - Customs Duties - Paragraphs 8(1)(c) and 8(1)(d) of the Schedule to section 19 of the Customs Act - Whether there was a sale for export to engage the transaction value method - Whether the fallback method was the appropriate method of valuation - Whether fees paid post-importation were properly added to customs value of imported goods - Whether procedural errors by appellate tribunal determines appeal which is by way of rehearing

Miller, George v Smith, Ralston and Sean Smith

Whether unstamped agreement for sale and unregistered vendor’s mortgage are enforceable in equity - Whether equitable mortgagee is entitled to possession of mortgaged Property on default by equitable mortgagors - Whether purchasers and equitable mortgagors of land entitled to an order of specific performance commanding the vendor and equitable mortgagee to register transfer of property to them - Exercise of inherent jurisdiction to make declaratory reliefs as to parties’ status in relation to the property in lieu of order for specific performance.

Graham, John v Graham, Kristina

Joint Bank account - Parent child relationship - Whether there is evidence of
intention of the parent to be entitled to the beneficial interest in assets in joint
Equity - Whether the presumption of advancement applies to adult child on a parent
to child transfer to displace presumption of resulting trust - Standard of proof to
rebut presumption of advancement - Whether presumption of advancement
rebutted by evidence of contrary intention.








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