LIVE STREAM: Swearing-in Ceremony for the Judges for the Michaelmas Term 2025


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgements and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.

The Hon. Miss Justice Carole Barnaby (Ag.)

Dilworth, Cleveland Fritz Herbert v Dilworth, Gillian Merjean

Matrimonial Property - Property Rights of Spouses Act (PROSA) - In limine objection - Petition for the Dissolution of Marriage proceeded in default to a grant of Decree Absolute - Notice of Application for Court Orders for division of matrimonial property filed while divorce claim subsisted but not determined before the grant of Decrees Nisi and Absolute - Whether res judicata applies - Whether claim for division of matrimonial property must be made by Fixed Date Claim Form.

Tenn, Natalie v Wiltshire, Wayne Anthony

Matrimonial Property - Property Rights of Spouses Act (PROSA) - Application to make claim for division of matrimonial home after twelve months of dissolution of marriage - General considerations - Prejudice - Whether Respondent would be barred from claiming adverse possession of Applicant’s interest in matrimonial home if time is extended to make PROSA claim.

Williams, Alexander and Watson-Williams, Carol v Barry Group Limited

Injunction - Interim - Inter partes hearing - Whether there was material non-disclosure - Anticipatory breach of restrictive covenant - No application or order for modification of restrictive covenant - Whether there is a serious question to be tried - Balance of convenience.

K Chandiram Limited v The Commissioner General of Tax Administration Jamaica

Revenue Law - Duty Free Shopping System Act (DFSSA) - whether goods sold at
a licensed duty free shop to persons who are not passengers or diplomats were
sold under the duty free shopping system and therefore exempt from GCT.
General Consumption Tax Act (GCTA) - whether the Respondent had jurisdiction
to raise an assessment for GCT where goods sold at a licensed duty free shop to
persons other than passengers or diplomats but exported through Customs - if
the Respondent had jurisdiction to raise assessment to GCT - whether the

Shirley, Kareen Johnson v Shirley, Courtney George

Matrimonial Property - Property Rights of Spouses Act - Home acquired by one spouse before marriage - One spouse resident overseas but stays at home from time to time - Whether home the family home - Whether there is an application under section 7 (1) to vary the equal share rule - Section 12(2) - Date on which share is to be determined - Subsisting mortgage

Digital Auto Imports Limited v The Commissioner General of Tax Administration Jamaica

Appeal from the Revenue Appeals Division - General Consumption Tax Act - Income Tax Act - assessment raised by Commissioner General after tax payer filed returns - burden of proof.
Direct verification of Income and Output Tax - duty of taxpayer to keep and produce complete and accurate records - unreliability of sales invoices as the direct verification method of the taxpayer’s Income and Output Tax - unreliability of bank deposits alone as a method of verification of taxpayer’s Income and Output Tax.

Guthrie, Vincent v Guthrie, Dorretta May

Civil Procedure - CPR 26.3 - Application to Strike out Fixed Date Claim Form - Whether there was failure to comply with a rule or practice direction - Whether current claim is a re-litigation of an earlier claim and therefore an abuse of court process - Whether the absence of facts in the earlier claim is likely to obstruct the just disposal of current proceedings - 
Whether judgment on earlier claim is declaratory or executory - Procedure for enforcing declaratory judgment - Whether limitation period at CPR 46.2(1)(a) is applicable.

Taylor, Debbie-Ann v Allen, Cynthia and Allen, Lenar

Civil Procedure - Application to set aside judgment entered after statements of case struck out - Whether CPR 26.6 is applicable to a judgment entered by the court after non-compliance with an unless order for attendance at adjourned Case Management Conference - CPR 26.8 - Application for relief from sanctions - Whether application complete without filing of affidavit evidence - Effective date of making of application – Whether application for relief was promptly made.







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