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Patterson, Richard v Becki Patterson

Case Number: 
HCV -0811 of 2003
Date of Delivery: 

 In the Supreme Court of Judicature of Jamaica

Claim No. HCV -0811 of 2003

Between Richard Patterson

And Becki Patterson



Mrs. P. Benka-Coker instructed by Mrs. Debra E. McDonald

for the Applicant/Respondent Richard Patterson

Mr. Gordon Steer instructed by Chambers Bunny and Steer

for the Respondent /Applicant Becki Patterson

In Chambers


16th May, 2007, 21st September, 2007

& 16th April 2008

Marsh J.

The parties referred to above, Richard Patterson and Becki Patterson are

respectively Applicant and Respondent in two applications before me. In the

one dated the 22nd day of February, 2007, the Applicant Becki Patterson seeks

the following orders:

1. That paragraph 1-3, as well as paragraphs 5-7 of the Consent

Order made on the 27th November 2006, be varied to read:-

a,) The parties have joint custody with care and control to the mother.

b.) The father shall have access to the relevant child one half of all

major school holidays, or at any other time as agreed by the


c.) The father is to pay the sum of One thousand United States Dollars

per month for the maintenance of the relevant child.

d.) the father to provide the relevant child with a health card.

e.) that the mother is to pay the relevant child's educational expenses.

f.) That the mother is allowed to leave the jurisdiction with the

relevant child to reside in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.







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