LIVE STREAM: Call to the Bar Ceremony


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Smith, Winston v McGowan, Vernon and Miranda, Marva Consolidated wtih Basu, Kinkar v Vernon McGowan

Case Number: 
2012HCV06540 and 2013HCV00461
Neutral Citation: 
[2024] JMSC Civ 153
Date of Delivery: 

Succession Law – Adverse possession – Lease Agreement – Property part of estate sold before any representative for the Estate appointed – Doctrine of “Relation Back” – Effect on Conveyance – Whether sale of the property was ratified by the Administratrix – Whether the purported sale benefited the Estate – Agency – Whether tenant who remained on property occupied as agent for the estate or adverse possessor – Damages sought for loss occasioned by alleged intimidatory actions said to cause a party to have lost customers and business


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