LIVE STREAM: Swearing-in Ceremony for the Judges for the Michaelmas Term 2025


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgements and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.

In Re Damion Black

Case Number: 
2017 CD 00101
Neutral Citation: 
[2017] JMCC Comm 21
Date of Delivery: 

Trusts - Trust for sale - Application by administrator general for directions regarding the sale of trust property - Duty of administrator general - Independent valuation of trust property commissioned by administrator general - Valuation partially dependent on company’s audited financial statements - Whether there is actual or apparent bias or conflict of interest in the manner in which the audit was conducted to affect the reliability of the valuation - Sections 39, 40, 43 and 44 of the Administrator General’s Act







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Strategic Plan for the Jamaican Judiciary 2024-2028