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Nickeisha Powell v Grace Patricia Tomlinson, etal

Case Number: 
C. L. PO 76 of 1999
Date of Delivery: 

In the Supreme Court of Judicature of Jamaica

In the High Court Of Justice

Suit No. C. L. PO 76 of 1999

Between Nickeisha Po well

(by her mother and next friend

Valerie Wallace) Claimant

And Grace Patrick Tom lirzson

Gfor and on behalf of the Little

London Primary School 1" Defendant G

And The Board of Management

Gfor and on behalfof the Little 2nd Defendant

London Primary School)

And The Ministry of Education 3rd Defendant

And The Attorney General dth Defendant

Pierre Rogers instructed by Gvford, Thompson and Bright for claimant

Miss J. Thompson and Miss Catherine Denbow instructed by the Director

of State Proceedings for the defendants. C

Heard: Februaw 16,17 and 26,2004

Harris J,

The Claimant's Claim against the defendants is for damages for

negligence and, or for breach of statutory duty, as a result of injuries she

sustained to her left eye while she was attending school.


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