LIVE STREAM: Swearing-in Ceremony for the Judges for the Michaelmas Term 2025


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgements and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.

Llandovery Investments Limited v The commissioner of Taxpayer Appeals

Case Number: 
Date of Delivery: 

Revenue law - Taxpayer submitting returns and audited accounts and the tax computation showing tax due but not paying in mistaken belief that it was an approved agricultural enterprise - Revenue raises assessment based upon accounts submitted - Taxpayer reports to submit new un-audited accounts and returne - Rejected by Commissioner - Previous assessment subject of decision by Commissioner Taxyaper Audit and Assessment confirmed on appeal to Commissioner Taxpayer Appeals - Whether Commissioner wrond in law - Whether assessment valid - Whether assessment and decison in breach of Assessment provisions of the Income Tax Act as amended.








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Strategic Plan for the Jamaican Judiciary 2024-2028