LIVE STREAM: Swearing-in Ceremony for the Judges for the Michaelmas Term 2025


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Hasfal, Frank v Kenneth Walker

Case Number: 
E 248 of 2001
Date of Delivery: 

In the Supreme Court of Judicature of Jamaica

Claim No. E 248 of 2001

Between Frank Hasfal Claimant

And Kenneth Walker Defendant

Mr. Rudolph Smellie instructed by Daley, Thwaites a .Co. for Claimant.

Mr. K.V. Brooks for the Defendant.

Heard: 7th b e , 2005

8th June, 2005

8th June, 2007

Marsh J.

The undisputed facts of this case are that Claimant and Defendant

in a Written agreement for sale dated 30th July, 1991, agreed that the

Claimant should purchase from the Defendant, land situated at Abyssinia

Cottage in the parish of St. Andrew for a purchase price of ($45,000)

Forty Five Thousand Dollars. . + . .

Claimant was put in possession of the land and made development

efforts on the land. The sum of fifteen thousand dollars was paid towards

the purchase price in two tranches as per the agreement for sale.


The said agreement for sale provided at Clause 10 thereof that

"The said land is sold and the purchaser shall take title







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