LIVE STREAM: Phillip Paulwell V Attorney General of Jamaica


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgments and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.


Director of Public Prosecution v Wilson, Uchence and Others

The Evidence (Special Measures) Act 2012 – The Evidence (Special Measures)
(Criminal Jurisdiction) (Judicature) (Supreme Court) Rules 2016 – Prosecution’s
application for a witness to give evidence by live link – Appropriate circumstances
for use of special measure of live link – Witness said to be vulnerable but no
allegation of actual threat – Right of accused to a fair trial – Credibility significant
issue – Whether grant of application prejudicial to Defendants – Overall interests
of the administration of justice

Weststar International Limited and Campbell, Ryland v Finizi, Winston

Civil practice and procedure – Application to register foreign judgment – Judgment registered by the local court not the correct judgment of the foreign court – Omission in judgment corrected by the foreign court prior to application to register in the local court – Authenticated copy of judgment presented to local court for registration without a copy of the order of amendment – Defendant not applying to set aside the registration of the foreign judgment in the time competent for him to do so – No extension of the time to apply to set aside was applied for or granted within the time compet

Hamilton, Marilyn v United General Insurance Company Limited

Wri of seizure and sale - Application for stay - Appeal against issue of writ of seizure and sale for a default costs certificate - Whether Civil Procedure Rules require execution of a money judgment - Whether defendant entitled to 14 days after default costs certificate is issued - PRO Rules 46.4(1) and 65.12(b) - Whether risk of injustice.



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