LIVE STREAM: Phillip Paulwell V Attorney General of Jamaica


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgments and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.


Lauder, Nicola and Jones, Lydia v Brady, Everett

Contract – Building contract – Contract to erect and install roof – Roof not erected according to the specifications and drawings – Whether work done in workmanlike manner – Roof not fit for the purpose required – Building unfit for human habitation - Measure of damages.

Northover, Kaon and Jsa K Ann v Lawrence, Minett

Injunction - Proposed extension of freezing injunction earlier granted byCourt in favour of claimants - Application for ex parte disclosure order made by Court to be set - Explanation of what is an exparte hearing - Distinction between ex parte and inter partes hearing - Disclosure order - Application to set aside disclosure order - Definititon of relevant property or assets. 

Clarke, Moranda v Godson, Dion Marie and Ranger, Donald

Substituted service – Application to set aside substituted service by Insurer – Insurer saying they are unable to contact insured – Default judgment – Application to set aside default judgment – Test to be applied for setting aside default judgment – Extension of time to file defence.



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