LIVE STREAM:The Judiciary of Jamaica Strategic Business Plan Launch 2024


A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgments and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.


Future Services Ltd v Attorney General

Whether pepper spray can be imported into Jamaica without a

No Objection Letfer from the Minister of National Security -

implied repeal - Whether the Offenslve Weapons Prohibition

Act authon'zes the possession of pepper spray and by

implication its importation for personal protection - Whether

the importation and sale of pepper spray in Jamaica is legal -

appmpn'ate use Hansard Notes of Parliament - Whether the

matter is mereiy academic - Judicial Review-presumption of


Gayle, Frank v Miletic, Maria

Setting aside of Notice of Discontinuance - Rule 37 Civil Procedure Rules 2002 –Filing of Mediation Report – Absence of Court Order in terms of the Report-Rescission of Mediation Settlement - Rule 74 Civil Procedure Rules 2002

First Financial Caribbean Trust Company Limited v Howell, Delroy, Mitchell, Kenarthur et al

Civil Procedure – Summary judgment – Company holding trust monies - Company

alleging that trust monies improperly removed from the its control or improperly

invested by directors – Company’s trust money loaned to or invested in companies

in which its directors have an interest - Claim against directors for recovery of those

monies and for damages for breach of fiduciary duty – Directors averring that

McFarlane, Violet, Campbell, Igol v Eugster, John, Eugster, Kathleen et al

Adverse possession - Individual claims to possession of many distinct portions of land within large expanses of registered land - Section 3, 30 of limitation of actions act - claim to over 12 years possession but no application to become registered under section 85 of registration of titles act - registered ownership of land changing - Section 68,70,71,85,161 of registration of titles act - When does time begin to run - Conclusiveness and indefeasibility of registered title - Meaning of "subsequent operation of any satute of limitation"




Emergency Matters

Emergency Matters

Matrimonial Proceedings

Customer Service

customer complaints image

Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan for the Jamaican Judiciary 2024-2028