
A world-class judiciary utilizing innovation and technology for efficient service delivery.


To provide sound, timely judgments and efficient court services in an environment where all stakeholders are valued.

64. What do I need to post bail for someone?

When posting bail for someone, one must ensure that the amount of bail is clear because this will determine whether a person will be suitable to be a surety.  Bail in the sum of Fifty thousand dollars or less is required to produce: -

(a)  two (2) passport sized photographs that must not be taken more than six months prior;

(b)  Proclamations, Rules and Regulations, Form 2 pursuant to Section 17 (3) of the Bail Act;

(c)   Statutory Declaration to be made by a Surety or Sureties, pursuant to Section 17 of the Bail Act;

(d)   A valid identification card, which may be a Drivers Licence, an Elector Registration Card or a passport; and

(e)   proof of address;

For Bail over the sum of Fifty thousand dollars the surety would require all the above requirements listed from a-e in addition to proof that the person has collateral to post bail.  This collateral may be in the form of Land, Motor Vehicle or Cash.


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Strategic Plan for the Jamaican Judiciary 2024-2028